National Volunteer Week Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu: 16 to 22 June 2024

National Volunteer Week runs from Sunday 16 to Saturday 22 June 2024. It honours the collective energies and mana of volunteers in Aotearoa. They grow our people, open minds, open hearts and create joy.

It’s a time to recognise and celebrate volunteers, a time to shine – pīataata. Let’s thank volunteers for the difference they make and the impact they have on our communities. This year's theme is:

“Whiria te tangata – Weave the people together."

There are many benefits of volunteering for both you and your community. You can learn new skills, increase self-confidence, meet new people and make important community connections. Volunteering is a great way to improve your mental wellbeing, happiness and genuinely make a difference.

Friends of Christchurch City Libraries Ngā Hoahoa o Ngā Kete Wānanga-o-Ōtautahi

Friends of Christchurch City Libraries support the libraries with advocacy and fund raising. Our Friend help and support our successful annual book sale.

Over the years their efforts have seen a range of useful things added to libraries such as digital cameras, iPods, wheelchairs and special book trolleys.

Friends of the Library. Photo credit: Christchurch City Council Newsline

Find out more on the Friends of the Library page

Opportunities in Christchurch / Canterbury

Volunteering New Zealand

What you can get out of volunteering

Back in 2019, Brendon said:

Volunteering is a great way to improve your mental well-being, happiness and genuinely make a difference.

Like many people, I am physically inactive sitting in an office behind a computer for much of the day. It is easy to get caught up with day-to-day life of work, home … repeat. Despite holding down a full time job, I think I could make more time to try new things - even if it is only one hour a week / fortnight.

Volunteering can be incorporated into your daily life. Living in New Brighton, I find myself regularly picking up litter on a beach / estuary walk. Although, my effort has a small impact on a much larger problem, it all helps. I ultimately feel a better, happier person knowing I have potentially stopped a bird or other creature being harmed. I have also delivered fliers petitioning the government to improve protection of Maui’s and Hector dolphins. While, I have done a couple of volunteer things, I know I could do more.

Thanks to volunteers

Valeries shared this thanks:

I would like to take the opportunity to say "Thank you" to all of you.

Thank you, Civil Defence, I don't think I could have got through without you. Thank you, food parcel donors and packers, you have put meals on countless tables. Thank you, migrant support people, who have given their time freely to those who are living in a country far from home. Thank you, Student Volunteer Army, for cleaning up time and time again, then going overseas and doing it all again. Thank you, cooks and shelter workers, you have given a roof, a meal and a small amount of dignity to the homeless.

To Red Cross, Salvation Army and all the other organisations that roll up their sleeves and get stuck in, you not only helped me and my neighbours, but you helped everyone who has asked for help. To the volunteer fire-fighters and life guards, thank you for rescuing us and keeping us safe.

Whether you have greened the rubble, run the Op-Shop, helped with reading, been on the end of a phone, donated blood or handed out the hymn books at church, thank you one and all, you have made the world a better place.

Have you ever considered becoming a volunteer? Regardless of whether you are young or old, it is a great way to meet new people, share skills and learn something new.

More information

Volunteering resources at your library