Mauri ora ki te whānau o Ngā Kete Wānanga o Ōtautahi,
It is the strength of many in which creates the outcomes and opportunities of which the fruits, our tamariki and rangatira mō āpōpō (leaders of tomorrow) are able to follow and make their own. As we reflect on how the week has played out, I just wanted to acknowledge the overwhelming sense of unity that binds us together as a people has been the most rewarding thing to see and witness as we remember and ponder what our world looked like 50 years before the signing of the Māori Language Petition.
Kupu Hou For The Day
Hui – to meet, to gather. This kupu hou could be used in the context when saying something like: “Are we going to meet today?” “Are we going to have a hui today?” or you could use it in the context of: “I am going to meet up with Māia to have a talk.” “ I am going to have a hui with Māia to have a talk.” You could even replace the kupu “talk” for the kupu “kōrero” that we looked at yesterday. Have a go and see where you could switch out the kupu hui in your everyday sentences.
Taha Whānau
This is our last side to our whare and man, what a journey it has been to take us all on. This is probably my favourite side to check in on and really think and consider future conversations, actions and goals on. This side looks at our social and family structures and about you reflecting over the different relationships and friendships you’ve created, who makes you feel certain ways and who you choose when times get hard. This takes care of aspects in our life like how we connect with people, how we share our life and our views/values on the world, on life, on ourselves and how we can utilize our whānau and friends to support us and develop us into a better you. Things you can do to nurture and maintain this side would be having whānau time, quality time whether it’s taking your small child (or your big adult children aka our partners) out for small moments in the kitchen, out in nature and so on. It could be as simple as watching a movie together or just being in the company of others. Whatever you do to keep this side up, you keep going and doing what you do best, which is you!
For today’s waiata, we are taking us on a journey in our feelings, this song is reminds me of whanaungatanga (relation/kinship) and how the sounds of the music portray the sense of belonging, sense of purpose and a sense of connection. This waiata He Taoka Te Reo comes from our whānau here in Ōtautahi where it was composed at a Kura Reo Wānanga which is a kaupapa (event) in which people from all walks of life in Māoridom come and gather, break into groups that support their reo journey from our pēpi (babies) all the way to our pakeke (adults) so have a listen and try to picture some old memories, he hokinga mahara!
Whakataukī: “He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata. What is the most important thing in the world? It is the people, the people, oh it’s our people.”
This whakataukī talks about us as a people, that the most important thing in our world is ourselves and each other. To be in a world where we look at all things with value and pride. Our people is what keeps things going, without all of us in key places, where would normality be for us? When reflecting back on the last two years of us undergoing changes with lockdown, restrictions to alert levels to traffic light systems, the beauty in it all is that the people remained united in our own ways. Keeping in contact with our extended whānau via zoom, facetime and so on. Keeping our tamariki and ourselves entertained throughout the different days. Thinking back in time to our elders who marched the length of the North Island, united together with a clear kaupapa (topic or event). Think about this whakataukī, let is settle within and find your meaning, your purpose on how it plays out within your own life.
From our Māori Library Services Team, this working week for us has been so awesome to see and hear so many good things around the network. We hope you all have a safe weekend and yes you guessed it, stay tuned for the last two installments of emails to roll our. As we close the chapter of Te Whare Tapa Whā, the last two days we will be looking into the timeline of kaupapa (events) that took place over the last couple of generations. Stay safe out there whānau, kia haumaru te noho mō te wā whakataa.
Ngā mihi
Kaitakawaenga Māori
Māori Services
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