The Bridge of Remembrance is 90 years old

The Bridge of Remembrance is one of Christchurch's great landmarks - redolent of days of war, marching troops, and fallen soldiers. It was officially opened by Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa, Armistice Day 11 November 1924.

Bridge of Remembrance, 1930s
Bridge of Remembrance postcard from Shane Duffy collection CCL-ShDu-00059A, 1930s. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

The Bridge means more than war. It has fulfilled its name, and is a place of remembering. Christchurch's Earthquake Memorial will be situated near here.

We have in our digital collection Christchurch War Memorial: Bridge of Remembrance, opens a new window. It explores the Bridge's history and symbolic features.

The booklet contains extracts from the address of J. Wyn Irwin, of the Bridge of Remembrance Committee at the opening ceremony.

The Memorial originated from a letter written to the Press on July 24th, 1919, by a Christchurch lady. She suggested it might be appropriate to erect a beautiful memorial in the shape of a Stone Arch and Bridge, bearing the inscription, "Bridge of Remembrance." She recommended placing it over a site made sacred and historic by its association with the departure of the Canterbury troops.

The pamphlet also details the layers of symbolism and meaning:

As a Bridge spanning the banks of the river it should remind us of
the brief span of human existence, and of the Great Beyond.

Bouquets and tributes by the Bridge of Remembrance
Bouquets and tributes by the Bridge of Remembrance, Oxford Terrace. Monday 25 February 2013. Flickr: CCL-2013 -02-25-IMG_4256

It serves this purpose still.