Musician Books of Poetry / Lyrics

Florence Welch is in New Zealand this week with Florence and the Machine, playing at Laneway Festival as well as doing a standalone concert. She's recently published a book Useless magic: Lyrics and poetry that adds her to a select group of musicians - those who've had their poetry and/or lyrics published in book form. The first one I remember of this rarefied genre was Jewel's A Night without Armor back in the 90s. I haven't actually read it, but I remember it was a big deal.

Here are some more books of poetry and lyrics by artists. As you'd expect, solid representation by Leonard Cohen:


Useless Magic


Faber Social is the outstanding imprint when it comes to this kind of book (they also have Jarvis Cocker as Editor-At-Large):

Newbies include the double swoon pair:

New Zealand

There are a couple of Aotearoa lyrics/poetry books to lay your hands upon:

Word is the next muso coming out with a book of poems is Lana Del Rey. Yes please.

Lyrics and Poetry

List created by Donna_R

Books by a select group of musicians - those who've had their poetry and/or lyrics published in book form. The first one I remember of this rarefied genre was Jewel's A Night without Armor back in the 90s.

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