
Puanga kai rau.
When Puanga rises, food will be abundant.
I am the star Puanga. I am the older sibling of Takurua and Matariki. Some say that I am jealous of the attention Matariki receives and that is why I race to be first in the night sky. Because I appear before Matariki, maybe I welcome in the New Year?
He Maramataka / The Lunar Calendar
Māori observe a maramataka, or lunar calendar, with the phases of the moon and stars in the night sky guiding the planning of gardens, harvesting of food and understanding of natural occurences. For instance, the height of the nor-west arch Te Māuru, when seen above Kā Tiritiri-o-te-Moana (Southern Alps), determined the intensity of a southerly expected the following day.
Puanga was considered the significant star for many living in the Canterbury area. Its rise in the sky to the south was often read as a sign of bad weather to come, while a rise to the north was a good omen.

Puanga kai rau
Ko au te whetū, ko Puanga. Ko Takurua taku teina, ko Matariki taku tuahine. Ki tā ētahi, nō tōku pūhaehae ki taku tuahine a Matariki, ka kūrapa taku rere kia rewa tuatahi mai ai i te rangi. Ko au kē pea te tohu o Te Tau Hou?
Ka whai te Māori i te maramataka, e whai nei i te marama me ōna nei wāhanga me te rewanga mai o ngā whetū hei tohu mai ki te tangata hei āhea mahi māra ai, hei āhea kohi kai ai, hei whakamārama hoki i ngā āhuatanga o te taiao. Pēnā ko te teitei o Te Māuru i runga i Kā Tiritiri-o-te-Moana, he tohu tēnei ka tau mai ngā hau o Te Pūnui o Toka hei te rā e tū mai nei.
He rerekē te maramataka ki tēnā rohe, ki tēnā rohe, waihoki e hāngai pū ana ki ngā āhuatanga ake o taua rohe.
Ki tā te hunga e noho nei ki Waitaha, ko Puanga tētahi o ngā whetū matua. Ki te rewa mai a Puanga ki te tonga, he tohu o te huarere kaikini, heoi anō, ki te rewa mai ki te rangi, he tohu pai.
Sources / Resources
- Puaka and Matariki Dr Jim Williams PDF
- Puanga and Matariki Metservice
- Maori cosmology Christine Broadbent
- Matariki The Star of the Year Rangi Matamua
- Matariki Te Whetū tapu o te Tau Rangi Matamua
- Characters: Created by Māui Studios
- Content: Kiri Jarden, Christchurch City Council (in consultation with mana whenua)
- Te reo Māori translation: Corban Te Aika