Tīrama Mai – Matariki panels

Tīrama Mai - Matariki

Tīrama Mai - powered by Orion and Connetics

Tīrama Mai was on last winter to celebrate Puaka-Matariki in the heart of Ōtautahi Christchurch.
5pm to 10pm, Friday 21 June to Sunday 30 June 2024.

The Tīrama Mai panels shown below were on display in Worcester Boulevard.

Tīrama Mai, meaning to illuminate or bring light, celebrates Matariki, our people and our unique local landscape.

View images and information in English and te reo Māori about Te Tau Hou, the New Year, and the Matariki stars.

Tīrama Mai - Matariki

The Story of Te Tau Hou, The New Year

The Story of Te Tau Hou, The New Year / Kia Pūrangiaho tā tātou whakanui i te Tau Hou.


"I am the star Puanga. I am the older sibling of Takurua and Matariki."


"I am the star Matariki. I am the mother and Rehua the father, of the Matariki star cluster."


"My name is Tupuānuku. I am the star connected to foods grown in the ground, both cultivated and wild."


"I am the star Tupuārangi. I connect with food that ‘comes from the sky’, such as the birds, and berries and other fruits of the forest."


"My name is Waitī. I have a special connection to all those creatures living in fresh water - the rivers, streams and lakes."


"My name is Waitā. I am the star who is associated with the ocean and the numerous types of food gathered from the sea."


"I am the star Waipunarangi and I link the Matariki star cluster to the coming of rain."


"I am Ururangi. I am the star who will determine the winds for the coming year."


'I am Pōhutukawa, the oldest star in the Matariki cluster. I am associated with those who have died."


"My name is Hiwa-i-te-rangi and I am the star who is connected to the promise of a prosperous season. You may call me a 'wishing star'."


  • Characters: Created by Māui Studios
  • Content: Kiri Jarden, Christchurch City Council (in consultation with mana whenua)
  • Te reo Māori translation: Corban Te Aika

Using Tīrama Mai panels

Tēnā koe
You are welcome to print and share these resources. The files provided are in reo Māori and reo English, and have stories and information related to our takiwa, or place, here in Ōtautahi, Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū and Waitaha.

There are also editable PDF versions for you to add information and stories which relate to your place, where you live. If you’d like to us to supply these, please email library@ccc.govt.nz and let us know what you intend to use them for. Consider local knowledge about the maramataka or lunar calendar, or whakataukī about people, whānau, the weather and planting or sailing, or important events.

Matariki hunga nui.
Mauri ora!


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