Christchurch City Libraries lists literary prize winners and links to catalogue searches, but we may not hold copies of all titles mentioned.
The New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults are administered by the New Zealand Book Awards Trust. In 2016, the Awards merged with the Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA) Awards. The New Zealand Young Adult Fiction Book Award merged with the LIANZA Young Adult Award.
See more New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults and other kids' literary prize winners.
Catch a Falling Star, Eileen Merriman (Penguin Random House NZ) Winner
- New Dawning, A M Dixon (One Tree House)
- The Sparrow, Tessa Duder (Penguin Random House NZ)
- Tonight, I Burn, Katharine J Adams (Hachette Aotearoa New Zealand)
- Tsunami, Ned Wenlock (Earth's End Publishing)
Iris and Me Philippa Werry (The Cuba Press) Winner
- Andromeda Bond in Trouble Deep Brian Falkner (Red Button Press)
- Eddy, Eddy Kate De Goldi (Allen & Unwin)
- Indigo Moon Eileen Merriman (Penguin Random House NZ)
- Miracle Jennifer Lane (Cloud Ink Press)
- Learning to Love Blue Saradha Koirala Winner
- Coastwatcher David Hill
- Displaced Cristina Sanders
- Katipo Joe: Wolf's Lair Brian Falkner
- Violet Black Eileen Merriman
- The Pōrangi Boy Shilo Kino Winner
- Draw me a hero N K Ashworth
- Fire's Caress Lani Wendt Young
- Katipo Joe: Spycraft Brian Falkner
- The King's Nightingale Sherryl Jordan
Aspiring, Damien Wilkins Winner
- Afakasi woman, Lani Wendt Young
- The History Speech, Mark Sweet
- Ursa, Tina Shaw
- Wynter’s Thief, Sherryl Jordan
Legacy Whiti Hereaka, published by Huia Publishers Winner
- Ash Arising Mandy Hager, published by Penguin, Penguin Random House
- Children of the Furnace Brin Murray, published by CP Books, The Copy Press
- Invisibly Breathing Eileen Merriman, published by Penguin, Penguin Random House
- The Rift Rachael Craw, published by Walker Books Australia
In the dark spaces written by Cally Black, published by Hardie Grant Egmont Winner
- Because Everything Is Right but Everything Is Wrong Erin Donohue (Escalator Press)
- Catch Me When You Fall Eileen Merriman (Penguin Random House)
- Sticking with Pigs Mary-anne Scott (OneTree House)
- The Traitor and the Thief Gareth Ward (Walker Books Australia)
The Severed Land Maurice Gee, Penguin Random House (Penguin) Winner
- Coming Home to Roost Mary-anne Scott, Penguin Random House (Longacre)
- Kiwis at War: 1916 - Dig for Victory David Hair, Scholastic NZ
- Like Nobody's Watching L.J. Ritchie, Escalator Press
- Shooting Stars Brian Falkner, Scholastic NZ
Battlesaurus: Rampage at Waterloo Brian Falkner Winner
- Being Magdalene Fleur Beale, Penguin Random House
- Hucking Cody Aaron Topp
- Lullaby Bernard Beckett
- Sylvie the Second Kaeli Baker
Singing home the whale Mandy Hager Winner and Margaret Mahy Book of the Year
- I am Rebecca Fleur Beale
- Recon Team Angel: Vengeance Brian Falkner
- While we run Karen Healey
- Night vision Ella West
Mortal fire
Elizabeth Knox Winner
- A necklace of souls R. L. Stedman (Best First Book Award)
- Bugs Whiti Hereaka (Honour Award)
- Speed freak Fleur Beale
- When we wake Karen Healey
Into the river
Ted Dawe Winner and Margaret Mahy Book of the Year
- Earth dragon, fire hare Ken Catran
- The nature of Ash Mandy Hager
- Reach Hugh Brown ((Best First Book Award)
- Snakes and ladders Mary-anne Scott
- Calling the gods Jack Lasenby Winner
- The bridge Jane Higgins (Honour Award)
- Dirt bomb Fleur Beale
- Sacrifice Joanna Orwin
- YES Deborah Burnside
Fierce September
Fleur Beale Winner
- Ebony Hill Anna Mackenzie
- Guardian of the dead Karen Healey
- The limping man Maurice Gee
- Smiling Jack Ken Catran
- Blood of the lamb: the crossing Mandy Hager Winner
- Banquo’s son T. K. Roxborogh
- The beginner’s guide to living Lia Hills
- Brainjack Brian Falkner
- End of the alphabet Fleur Beale
The 10pm question
Kate de Goldi Winner
- Chronicles of stone #1: scorched bone Vincent Ford
- Gool Maurice Gee
- Juno of Taris Fleur Beale
- The tomorrow code Brian Falkner
Salt Maurice Gee Winner
- The sea-wreck stranger Anna Mackenzie (Honour Award)
- Tomorrow all will be beautiful Brigid Lowry
- The transformation of Minna Hargreaves Fleur Beale
- Zillah Penelope Todd
- Genesis Bernard Beckett Winner
- A respectable girl Fleur Beale
- Shooting the moon V. M. Jones
- Single Fin Aaron Topp
- Thieves Ella West
With lots of love from Georgia
Brigid Lowry Winner
- Kaitangata twitch Margaret Mahy (Honour Award)
- Deep fried Bernard Beckett & Clare Knighton
- Running hot David Hill
- The unknown zone Phil Smith
Malcolm and Juliet Bernard Beckett Winner
- Robert Moran - Private Ken Catran
- Coming back David Hill
- Out of tune Joanna Orwin
- Dark Penelope Todd
- Thunder Road Ted Dawe Winner
- Lin and the red stranger Ken Catran
- Tiggie Tompson's longest journey Tessa Duder
- No safe harbour David Hill
- Watermark Penelope Todd
Margaret Mahy Winner
- Letters from the coffin-trenches Ken Catran
- Tomorrow the dark Ken Catran
- Right where it hurts David Hill
- The thin line Vivienne Joseph
- Owl Joanna Orwin Winner
- Jolt Bernard Beckett
- Tiggie Tompson all at sea Tessa Duder
- Return to One Foot Island Graeme Lay
- Kalick Jack Lasenby
Voyage with Jason Ken Catran Winner
- 24 hours Margaret Mahy (Honour Award)
- Outlanders Margaret Beames
- Talking to Blue Ken Catran
- Leon Frances Cherry
- The Tiggie Tompson Show Tessa Duder Winner
- Closed, stranger Kate De Goldi (Honour Award)
- Golden prince Ken Catran
- The shaman and the droll Jack Lasenby
- Love & other excuses Jane Westaway
Jack Lasenby Winner
- I am not Esther Fleur Beale (Honour Award)
- Dog breath and other stories Norman Bilbrough
- Orchard Street Maurice Gee
- Leaving One-Foot Island Graeme Lay
- Dare truth or promise Paula Boock Winner
- Because we were the travellers Jack Lasenby (Honour Award)
- Love, Charlie Mike Kate De Goldi
- Summer of shadows Iona McNaughton
- The whole of the moon Duncan Stuart
- Sanctuary Kate De Goldi Winner
- Secret sacrament Sherryl Jordan
- The other side of silence Margaret Mahy
- Circles William Taylor
- Reliable friendly girls Jane Westaway