What is the password or PIN for?
A password or PIN allows you to access your library account information and place holds on items through the catalogue. It also allows you to see which items you have on loan. To see your account information enter My Account.
Your Password or PIN also gives you free access to eResources the library subscribes to.
How do I get a password or PIN?
Ask at one of our libraries, phone us or use our Live Online chat service. Please have your library card ready.
Once you have a password or PIN, you can change it in the My Account section of the catalogue.
Choosing a new password or PIN
Your password is either a PIN or a password, from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 25 characters.
You can't use special characters when you make your password/PIN. Special characters include the following:
; & " / ` % + ? ' + : $ ^ # * ( ) - = { } [ ] < > . , ~ +
To keep your account secure we recommend that you do not use sequences of numbers that appear on your library card barcode. A password is a more secure option than a PIN.
Forgot your password?
You can use your library barcode number to reset your password.