A tool you need: Publication Finder

Are you a student? Researcher? A curious lifetime learner? Then you need to know about this. Imagine you were looking for an article in a particular journal or you want to know if we have online access to a certain magazine? Where do you go? The best place to start is with Publication Finder where you can search or browse most of Christchurch City Libraries eResource full text and open access publications. Journals, magazines and newspapers are all here in their full text glory for you to explore.

There are a variety of ways to search including keyword, an A-Z title browse and by discipline. For example if I searched for the American Journal of Art Therapy then I could see it was full text in six different eResources including Health Source where I could access the 2001 article I was looking for on the “Contribution of art therapy in the treatment of agoraphobia with panic disorder”.

If library staff walked around with a tool belt attached to their hip then the catalogue would be the hammer, eResources Discovery Search (eDS) the drill, and Publications Finder the screwdriver! If you know how to use this wonderful trinity then the world is really at your fingertips. There is nothing you can't find out at any time of the day from anywhere in the World. Just remember the tool belt itself is a library card, your entry to the building blocks of world domination!

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