Are you finding the gloomy days and cold nights are getting you down? I've come up with some blue-busting winter warmers to drag you out of the doldrums:
There. I said it. It's essential. Yes, I can hear you moan! Nothing warms the body up and produces happy brain chemicals like moving. It doesn't have to be a marathon, a gentle stroll can do it. Christchurch City Council's Sport and Recreation page has walks, fitness centres, bike, beaches and boating, activities, leisure clubs for older adults pages full of info and contacts.
Find a local club in CINCH or simply walk the dog, dance around the house to some cheerful tunes or get exercising with friends.
Get out of the house
Now this is a simple one. Withdrawing from day to day social contact with your fellow humans can have a negative effect on your mood. Yes, it's cold out but there are warm places to go such as your local library! Ensure that you socialise with your friends and family regularly or find a social group on CINCH.
Brighten up your house
Let more light in by opening curtains and trimming trees. Ensure your body gets light by sitting by the window. Less light in winter can affect your mood.
Help others
Volunteer your time. Helping others is great for our own mental health. It gets you out of the house, socialising and you may even get some exercise too.
I just can't do it!
Is depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress stopping you from having a positive outlook and fulfilling life? Visit your doctor/counsellor and these organisations to get help getting your life back.
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