Little boys are different to little girls. No where was this made more obvious to me than when I visited my two and a half year old nephew Oscar, who had a shiny black eye. Apparently he threw himself off the couch before his Mum could catch him and clobbered the side of a coffee table. It didn't seem to worry him any, but he didn't see the stares we were getting from strangers!
Now you can put it all down to biology or social conditioning but little boys seem to have no idea that gravity does actually apply to them. They take sitting still as a sign of defeat! Now it would be wrong to generalise. I personally bit the head off my sisters Barbie and had a farm set. My parents thought I would be a vet or a serial killer. So not all girls like pink and not all boys are trouble. Regardless of where they fall on the spectrum we all want them reading. So how do we get boys to read? Here are a few ideas if you think reading in a more interactive way would help.....
TumbleBook Library: Online books that are animated, can be narrated by the author or read aloud. Aimed at the under 12 year olds.
TumbleBook Cloud: Online books that include graphic novels and audio books. Aimed at those between 12-17!
OverDrive for Kids: Downloadable eBooks and audiobooks aimed at toddlers up. From picture books to gruesome adventures all at the touch of a button.
The other lesser known joy in using these products is that they are impossible to chew and will give you no overdue fines! Have a play and see if it works!
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