The pick of popular science

Readers of Popular Science Reading guide rejoice! We now have a new reading guide with many very topical lists like climate change, ecology and evolution, and medicine. We have something for everyone, from those who love speed to animal lovers, whether you are new to science or want to delve deeper into microhistories
or the unexplained. For readers of science fiction and dystopian fiction, who want to read some of the non-fiction which inspires these novels, there are lists on space and time and future technology.

Creating the new non-fiction popular science lists has been a joint effort. Here are some of our contributors' favourite picks from our new lists:

Liv is looking for new ways to do her bit for climate change; she thinks this book looks helpful and refreshing, The Story of More: How we got to Climate Change and here to go from here, by Hope Jahren. "Hope Jahren is encouraging about the small changes we can all make to help save the planet and backs up her statements with well-researched data. Read this and start using less!"

Catalogue record for The story of moreCatalogue record for An Astronaut's guide to life

Mary relates to fellow Canadian Col Chris Hadfield, “I have followed Col Chris Hadfield on Twitter for a while. His book, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, is relatable and inspiring."

Djunaidi follows Ben Goldacre, writer of Bad Science, from the Pseudoscience, the Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomena list. “Having previously followed his column in The Guardian I was already a big fan, so this book was a godsend with more of the same wisdom, cynicism and humour I’d come to love from this writer.”

Helen finds this book helpful with her chickens. From the Animals list her pick is Chicken, by Annie Potts, “As a bit of a crazy chicken lady myself, my pick would have to be Chicken by Annie Potts. ‘Chicken' gave me a deeper understanding and respect for my little backyard flock, and I loved that it was written so close to home by Annie Potts, Associate Professor and Co-director of the New Zealand centre for human-animal studies at the University of Canterbury.”

Catalogue record for My greatest defeat

Paul has two picks. His first is a very topical one from the Medicine, Psychology and Humanity list. “Alexandra Levitt takes the reader deep into the mysteries of elusive and deadly pathogens and presents the medical bloodhounds who track them down. At a time when Covid-19 is impacting our lives, Deadly Outbreaks is an intriguing and arresting read.”

Paul’s second pick takes us into the fast lane with My Greatest Defeat -  “Buxton delivers fascinating insights into life in the fast lane and beyond by honing in on the most challenging moments of some of motorsport's most celebrated drivers.”

Bernice loves reading about women in science. She says, “I am loving Lab Girl, an engaging memoir by Hope Jahren about a young woman’s passion for plants and the thrill of scientific discovery.”

And me? Janelle Shane manages to reassure me that robots are not taking over the world for a while yet in her book 'You Look Like A Thing and I Love You".

We have more great reads coming in our Personal Development lists, which are coming up next!

Find more great non-fiction recommendations.