Reading In Mind: Book Scheme for Mental Health

If you have a mental health issue like anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or worry, reading books about the issue can help you understand and manage your mental health and wellbeing.

The Reading in Mind book scheme recommends books, eAudiobooks, eBooks or DVDs about a wide range of mental health issues. The books are selected with the advice of mental health professionals and the Mental Health Foundation of NZ.

Health providers may suggest a title from this scheme, or you can choose them from the book list yourself. You might want to discuss the books with your health provider or librarian but this is entirely up to you. Your family and friends can also use the scheme as it is sometimes very helpful for those closest to you to understand some of the issues that you may be dealing with and to find ways that they can help.

Books on the Reading In Mind booklist have been recommended by mental health professionals and the scheme was developed by Pegasus Health, Christchurch City Libraries and The Mental Health Education and Resource Centre (MHERC) which is located at 116 Marshlands Road. MHERC is also has a very good library which is free to use, and many of their books are included in the Reading In Mind booklists.

HealthInfo is another great resource to get information on mental health as well as other health issues.

Browse booklists of titles you can borrow from our libraries.

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