OverDrive our popular eBook and downloadable eAudiobook collection has reproduced! No longer do kids and teens have to trawl through bodice rippers and murder mysteries, instead they can go straight to a collection aimed purely at their level and interests. Each has their own attributes:
OverDrive Kids: Lots of princesses, ponies and pinkness for the girls and lots of snot, trucks and noise for the boys.
OverDrive Teens: The highs and lows of body image, relationships and the occasional supernatural romantic conflict for young women and adventure, death and grunting for the young men.
Now I may be generalising about reading interests here but feel free to prove me wrong by using this service!
The wonderful thing about eBooks and eAudiobooks for kids and teens is that there are no fines. Digital files are unchewable, can withstand pee and are impossible to lose under the couch or under the landfill that makes up a teenagers bedroom. They are also somewhat more interactive than print so keep kids and teens reading while maintaining a semblance of “street” credibility.
Have a look today and see what you think. You can get back to the main OverDrive collection by hitting the Home button to the top left of the screen.
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