Community Programming for Adults
Picture Me Exhibition - New Brighton Library, part of a series
Dec 22nd, All day
Celebrate the power of children's books to shape identity and foster international connections, with work by International and NZ artists.
Picture Me Exhibition - Linwood Library, part of a series
Celebrate the power of children's books to shape identity and foster international connections, with work by International and NZ artists.
Outdoor Paintings in Christchurch exhibition, part of a series
Come and enjoy the exhibition of the WEA Outdoor Painting group.
Exhibition - 新年 新期望 - New Year | New Wishes, part of a series
Celebrating the Vibrant Spirit of Chinese Folk Arts in New Year Traditions. Discover the vibrant history of Chinese folk art.
Picture Me Exhibition - New Brighton Library, part of a series
Dec 22nd, All day
Celebrate the power of children's books to shape identity and foster international connections, with work by International and NZ artists.
Picture Me Exhibition - Linwood Library, part of a series
Celebrate the power of children's books to shape identity and foster international connections, with work by International and NZ artists.
Outdoor Paintings in Christchurch exhibition, part of a series
Come and enjoy the exhibition of the WEA Outdoor Painting group.
Exhibition - 新年 新期望 - New Year | New Wishes, part of a series
Celebrating the Vibrant Spirit of Chinese Folk Arts in New Year Traditions. Discover the vibrant history of Chinese folk art.