Community Programming for Adults
Picture Me Exhibition - New Brighton Library, part of a series
Dec 26th, All day
Celebrate the power of children's books to shape identity and foster international connections, with work by International and NZ artists.
Outdoor Paintings in Christchurch exhibition, part of a series
Come and enjoy the exhibition of the WEA Outdoor Painting group.
Picture Me Exhibition - Linwood Library, part of a series
Celebrate the power of children's books to shape identity and foster international connections, with work by International and NZ artists.
Exhibition - 新年 新期望 - New Year | New Wishes, part of a series
Celebrating the Vibrant Spirit of Chinese Folk Arts in New Year Traditions. Discover the vibrant history of Chinese folk art.
Picture Me Exhibition - New Brighton Library, part of a series
Dec 26th, All day
Celebrate the power of children's books to shape identity and foster international connections, with work by International and NZ artists.
Outdoor Paintings in Christchurch exhibition, part of a series
Come and enjoy the exhibition of the WEA Outdoor Painting group.
Picture Me Exhibition - Linwood Library, part of a series
Celebrate the power of children's books to shape identity and foster international connections, with work by International and NZ artists.
Exhibition - 新年 新期望 - New Year | New Wishes, part of a series
Celebrating the Vibrant Spirit of Chinese Folk Arts in New Year Traditions. Discover the vibrant history of Chinese folk art.