In 2002 in conjunction with Te Puna Reo o Ngāi Tahu our original bilingual signage was created and has been proudly used in our libraries since then.
During the design and building process for Tūranga we worked with representatives from Ngāi Tūāhuriri through our partnership with Matapopore Trust to have our signage refreshed in line with mana whenua language preferences. The new terms will continue to be used for signage across our libraries in future - our original signage will remain in use in our other libraries until existing signage can be replaced.
- Explore Tūranga's bilingual signage through interactive online maps
- Level one/Taumata 1
- Level two/Taumata 2
- Functional signs/Ngā Tohutohu mahi – Level two
- Special Features/Ngā Āhuatanga Motuhake – Level three
- People/Tāngata
Terms with an asterisk indicate those used at Tūranga.
Level one/Taumata 1
English term | Meaning | Māori name | Pronunciation |
A | |||
Activity Room | Ngā Purapura* | Ngā Pu-ra-pu-ra | |
Archives | He Kohinga Pūranga* | He Ko-hi-nga Pū-ra-nga | |
Audio/Video Studio | Taupuni Oro/Ataata* | Tau-pu-ni O-ro A-ta-a-ta | |
B | |||
Boardroom | Sirius | Takurua* | Ta-ku-ru-a |
C | |||
Café | Wāhi Kai* | Wā-hi Kai | |
Children’s Library |
Historical/ traditional: House of Entertainment |
Whare Rēhia | Wha-re Rē-hi-a |
Community, Level 1 | Hapori* | Ha-po-ri | |
Computer Lab |
Descriptive: ‘Electric-brain’ space |
Taiwhanga Rorohiko* | Taiwhanga Ro-ro-hi-ko |
Connection, Ground Level | He Hononga* | He Ho-no-nga | |
Customer Services |
Descriptive: Services for patrons |
Ratonga Kai-utu | Ra-to-nga Kai-u-tu |
Creativity, Level 4 | Auahatanga* | Au-a-ha-ta-nga | |
Creative Learning Centre |
Poetical: Area/place for learning to create |
Pūtahi Akoranga o te Wairua Auaha | Pū-ta-hi A-ko-ra-nga o te Wai-ru-a Au-a-ha |
Creative Space | Taupuni Auaha* | Tau-pu-ni Au-a-ha | |
D | |||
Discovery, Level 3 | Tūhuratanga* | Tū-hu-ra-ta-nga | |
E | |||
Espresso Bar | Wāhi Kawhe* | Wā-hi Whā-nau | |
F | |||
Family Place | Wāhi Whānau* | Wā-hi Whā-nau | |
I | |||
Identity, Level 2 | Tuakiri* | Tu-a-ki-ri | |
Information | Wāhi Pātai* | Wā-hi Pā-tai | |
Information |
Poetical: Spring, that gives forth words of Welcome |
Puna Kōrero Whakatau | Pu-na Kō-re-ro Wha-ka-tau |
Issues |
Descriptive: Place where things are given out |
Wāhi Hoatu | Wā-hi Ho-a-tu |
M | |||
Membership |
Descriptive: Place of joining |
Wāhi Tūhonotanga | Wā-hi Tū-ho-no-ta-nga |
Meeting Room | Wāhi Hui* | Wā-hi Hu-i | |
N | |||
New Zealand Reference | Ngā Kohinga Kōrero o Aotearoa* | Ngā Ko-hi-nga Kō-re-ro o Ao-te-a-ro-a | |
Ngā Pounamu Māori Collection area | Waruwarutū* | Wa-ru-wa-ru-tū | |
P | |||
Pasifika | Ngā Moutere o te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa* | Ngā Mou-te-re o te Mo-a-na-nu-i-a-Ki-wa | |
Pipeline (New Brighton only) |
Descriptive: Long tube |
Paipa Roa | Pai-pa –Ro-a |
Production Studio | Taupuni Waihanga* | Tau-pu-ni Wai-ha-nga | |
Q | |||
Quiet Place | Wāhi Mauritau* | Wā-hi Mau-ri-tau | |
R | |||
Reception | Taupaepae* | Tau-pae-pae | |
Returns | Wāhi Whakahoki Pukapuka* | Wā-hi Wha-ka-ho-ki Pu-ka-pu-ka | |
Returns |
Descriptive: Repetitively come back |
Ngā Hokinga Mai | Ngā Ho-ki-nga Ma-i |
Roof Gardens | Ngā Māra* | Ngā Mā-ra | |
Roof Garden North | Mara ki te Raki* | Ma-ra ki te Ra-ki | |
Roof Garden South | Mara ki te Tonga* | Ma-ra ki te To-nga | |
S | |||
Self Issue |
Descriptive: It is for you to dispatch |
Māu e Tuku | Mā-u e Tu-ku |
Southbase Gallery | Te Pito Huarewa* | Te Pi-to Hu-a-re-wa | |
Spark Lab | Auaha Hīhī* | Au-a-ha Hī-hī | |
T | |||
TSB Space | Orion's belt | Tautoru* | Tau-to-ru |
Y | |||
Young Adults |
Descriptive: Area for teenagers |
Wāhi Rangatahi | Wā-hi Ra-nga-ta-hi |
Youth Space | Wāhi Rangatahi* | Wā-hi Ra-nga-ta-hi |
Level two/Taumata 2
English term | Meaning | Maōri name | Pronounciation |
A | |||
Africa | Modern term | Āwherika | Ā-whe-ri-ka |
‘All Things Māori’ |
Descriptive: Māori topics/ themes |
Ngā Kaupapa Māori | Ngā Kau-pa-pa Mā-o-ri |
Animals |
Descriptive: Different types of animals |
Ngā Tū Kararehe | Ngā Tū Ka-ra-re-he |
Art (as in drawing) |
Poetical: ‘Markings’ that are pleasing to the eye |
Ngā Rerehua ā Tuhi | Ngā Re-re-hu-a aa Tu-hi |
Art & Craft |
Historical: Markings that are pleasing to the eye/ Art of Handcrafts |
Rerehua / Mahi Toi | Re-re-hu-a / Ma-hi-To-i |
Art History |
Poetical: ‘Backbone words’ of that which are pleasing to the eye |
Ngā Tāhuhu Kōrero ā Rerehua | Ngā Tā-hu-hu Kō-re-ro aaRe-re-hu-a |
Art & Architecture |
Poetical: Markings that are pleasing to the eye / To construct, build |
Rerehua / Waihanga | Re-re-hu-a / Wai-ha-nga |
Arts & Literature |
Poetical: Markings that are pleasing to the eye / Main writings |
Ngā Rerehua / Tuhinga Mātua | Ngā Re-re-hua / Tu-hi-nga |
Asia | Modern term | Āhia | Ā-hi-a |
Asian Languages |
Descriptive: Languages of Asia |
Ngā Reo ā Āhia | Ngā Reo aa Ā-hi-a |
Australia | Modern term | Ahitereiria | A-hi-ti-rei-ri-a |
Australian Newspapers |
Modern/ poetical: Written announcements from Australia |
Ngā Pūkaea ā Tuhi o Ahitireiria | Ngā Pū-ka-ea aa Tu-hi o A-hi-ti-rei-ri-a |
B | |||
Beach Camera |
Poetical/ descriptive: Eye on the shore |
Mata ki Tātahi | Ma-ta ki Tā-ta-hi |
Bestsellers |
Modern/descriptive: Famous writings |
Ngā Tuhinga Rongonui | Ngā Tu-hi-nga Ro-ngo-nu-i |
Biography |
Poetical/ descriptive: Words of a hundred peaks |
Kōrero Taumata Rau | Kō-re-ro Tau-ma-ta Rau |
Books for Sale |
Descriptive/modern: Books for sale/Books you can buy |
Ngā Pukapuka e Hoko | Ngā Pu-ka-pu-ka e Ho-ko |
Books for Special Occasions |
Descriptive: Special books |
Ngā Tuhinga Motuhake | Ngā Tu-hi-nga Mo-tu-ha-ke |
‘Books in Māori’ |
Descriptive: Māori writings |
Ngā Tuhinga Māori | Ngā Tu-hi-nga Mā-o-ri |
Business |
Descriptive: Business |
Ngā Umanga | Ngā U-ma-nga |
Business & Education |
Descriptive: Business / Knowledge |
Umanga / Mātauranga | U-ma-nga / Mā-tau-ra-nga |
C | |||
Card Charger |
Modern: Card Machine |
Mīhini Kāri | Mī-hi-ni Kā-ri |
Cars |
Descriptive: Different types of canoes |
Ngā Tū Waka | Ngā Tū Wa-ka |
Catalogue |
Poetical: List of treasures |
Rārangi Taonga | Rā-ra-ngi Tao-nga |
CD ROM | Modern term | Kōpae Rorohiko | Kōpae Ro-ro-hi-ko |
CD ROMs | Modern term | Ngā Kōpae Rorohiko | Ngā Kōpae Ro-ro-hi-ko |
Church Register Index |
Descriptive: Church – indicative words |
Kuputohu ā Hāhi | Ku-pu To-hu-to-hu aa Hā-hi |
Coin changer |
Modern: Money machine |
Mīhini Moni | Mī-hi-ni Mo-ni |
Community Information |
Poetical/ modern: Village announcements |
Ngā Pūkaea o te Kāinga | Ngā Pū-ka-ea o te Kā-i-nga |
Community Noticeboard |
Modern: Flat board – notice |
Papa Pānui | Pa-pa Pā-nui |
Computer |
Modern: Electric brain |
Rorohiko | Ro-ro-hi-ko |
Computers |
Descriptive: Electric brains |
(Ngā) Rorohiko | (Ngā) Ro-ro-hi-ko |
Computer Room |
Descriptive: Area for ‘Electric brain’ |
Wāhi Rorohiko | Wā-hi Ro-ro-hi-ko |
Computing |
Descriptive: Computer themes |
Ngā Kaupapa Rorohiko | Ngā Kau-pa-pa Ro-ro-ki-ho |
Continuing Education |
Descriptive: Pursue knowledge |
Whai Mātauranga | Wha-i Mā-tau-ra-nga |
Cooking |
Descriptive: Cook food |
Tunu Kai | Tu-nu Kai |
Countries |
Descriptive: Different lands of the world |
Ngā Tū Tāngata o te Ao | Ngā Tū Tā-nga-ta o te Ao |
Crafts |
Historical: Different types of crafts |
Ngā Tū Mahi Toi | Ngā Tū Ma-hi Toi |
Culture |
Traditional/ historical: Customs of people |
Tikanga ā Iwi | Ti-ka-nga aa I-wi |
D | |||
DVDs | Kōpae Whakaata* | Kō-pae Wha-ka-a-ta | |
E | |||
Education |
Traditional/ historical: Knowledge |
Mātauranga | Mā-tau-ra-nga |
Electoral Rolls |
Descriptive: Voting lists |
Rārangi Pōti | Rā-ra-ngi Pō-ti |
English Language Skills |
Descriptive: Skills at speaking English |
Ngā Pukenga Reo o Ingarangi | Ngā Pu-ke-nga Re-o o I-nga-ra-ngi |
Exploring Words & Pictures |
Descriptive: Seek out words and images |
Toroa ki ngā Kupu/ Ngā Whakaahua | To-ro-a ki ngā Ku-pu/ Ngā Wha-ka-a-hu-a |
Europe | Modern term | Ōropi | Ō-ro-pi |
F | |||
Fairy Tales |
Historical: Stories that belong to fairies |
Ngā Pakiwaitara ā ngā Patupaiarehe | Ngā Pa-ki-wai-ta-ra aa ngā Pa-tu-pai-a-re-he |
Family History | Kōrero o nehe ā- whānau* | Kō-re-ro o ne-he ā- whā-nau | |
Fiction | Ngā Kōrero Paki* | Ngā Kō-re-ro Pa-ki | |
Fiction |
Poetical: Constructed topics |
Take Waihanga | Ta-ke Wai-ha-nga |
Fiction for Older Children |
Poetical: Constructed topics for teenagers |
Take Waihanga ā ngā Taitamariki | Ta-ke Wai-ha-nga aa ngā Tai-ta-ma-ri-ki |
Fiction for Younger Children |
Poetical: Constructed topics for children |
Take Waihanga ā ngā Taiohi | Ta-ke Wai-ha-nga aa ngā Tai-o-hi |
Film |
Descriptive: Ribbon that shows |
Rīpene Whakahua | Rī-pe-ne Wha-ka-a-ta |
Film Reviews |
Descriptive: To inspect images closely |
Ngā Mātaki ā Rīpene Whakaahua | Ngā Mā-ta-ki aa Rī-pe-ne Wha-ka-a-hu-a |
Fingertip Library |
Descriptive: Area/ place of tapping |
Wāhi Pātoto | Wā-hi Pā-to-to |
G | |||
Garden |
Traditional: Communal cultivation |
Māra | Mā-ra |
Gardening |
Descriptive: Cultivation activities |
Mahi ā Huawhenua | Ma-hi aa Hu-a-whe-nu-a |
Genealogy |
Descriptive: Canoe, tribe and family genealogy |
Whakapapa ā Waka, ā Iwi, ā Whānau | Wha-ka-pa-pa aa Wa-ka aa I-wi, aa Whā-nau |
Government Publications |
Poetical/ modern: Government announcements |
Ngā Pūkaea o te Kāwanatanga | Ngā Pū-ka-ea o te Kā-wa-na-ta-nga |
Great Britain | Modern term | Ingarangi | I-nga-ra-ngi |
H | |||
Health |
Descriptive: Alive/ Healthy |
Hauora | Hau-o-ra |
Health & Well-being |
Descriptive: Health/ Life essence |
Hauora/ Oranga | Hau-o-ra/ O-ra-nga |
History |
Poetical: Backbone words |
Tāhuhu Kōrero | Tā-hu-hu Kō-re-ro |
History & Culture |
Poetical: Backbone words/ tribal rules |
Tāhuhu Kōrero/ Tikanga ā Iwi | Tā-hu-hu Kō-re-ro/ Ti-ka-nga aa I-wi |
Home & Garden |
Descriptive: Village/ Communal garden |
Kāinga/ Māra | Kāi-nga/ Mā-ra |
Homework Zone |
Descriptive: Area for work done at home |
Wāhi Mahi-kāinga | Wā-hi Ma-hi-kāi-nga |
I | |||
Information Guides |
Descriptive: Words that give an indication |
Ngā Kupu Tohutohu | Ngā Ku-pu Tohutohu |
Information Technology |
Descriptive: Words that belong to technology |
Hangarau ā te Puna Kōrero | Ha-nga-rau aa te Pu-na Kō-re-ro |
Items for Sale | Modern term | Ngā Mea e Hoko | Ngā Me-a e Ho-ko |
International Newspapers |
Poetical/ modern: Written announcements of the world |
Ngā Pūkaea ā Tuhi o te Ao | Ngā Pū-ka-ea aa Tu-hi o Te Ao |
Into Reading |
Descriptive: Reading is great |
Pai Rawa i te Pānui | Pai Ra-wa i te Pā-nu-i |
L | |||
Landscaping |
Poetical: Adorn the land |
Whakapaipai a te Whenua | Wha-ka-pai-pai a te Whe-nu-a |
Language & Literacy |
Descriptive: Languages/ Reading |
Ngā Reo / Pānuitanga | Ngā Reo/ Pā-nui-ta-nga |
Large Print | Mātātuhi Rahi* | Mā-tā-tu-hi Ra-hi | |
Large Print |
Descriptive: Large writing |
Ngā Tuhinga nui | Ngā Tu-hi-nga nu-i |
Law |
Descriptive: Guidelines that belong to humans |
Ngā Ture ā Tāngata | Ngā Tu-re aa Tā-nga-ta |
Law Collection |
Poetical: Collection of guidelines that belong to humans |
Kohinga Ture ā Tāngata | Ko-hi-nga Tu-re aa Tā-nga-ta |
Leisure |
Descriptive: Resting time |
Wā Whakatā | Wā Wha-kaa-tā |
Life Skills/ Continuing Education |
Descriptive: Skills for life – Pursue knowledge |
Pukenga Ora/ Whai Mātauranga | Pū-ke-nga O-ra/ Wha-i |
Literature |
Descriptive: Main writings |
Tuhituhinga Matua | Tu-hi-tu-hi-nga Mā-tu-a |
Local European History |
Descriptive: Regional words about Europeans |
Kōrero Pākehā ā Rohe | Kō-re-ro Pā-ke-hā aa Ro-he |
Local Government Collection |
Descriptive: Government in local areas |
Kāwanatanga ā Rohe | Kā-wa-na-ta-nga aa Ro-he |
Local History |
Descriptive: Regional words |
Kōrero ā Rohe | Kō-re-ro aa Ro-he |
M | |||
Magazines | Modern term | Mōheni | Ngā Mō-he-ni |
Magazines | Pukapuka Maheni* | Pu-ka-pu-ka Ma-he-ni | |
Maps |
Descriptive: Drawn plans of the land |
Ngā Mahere Whenua | Ngā Ma-he-re Whe-nu-a |
Maps/ Atlases |
Descriptive: Drawn plans of the land/ main drawn plans of the land |
Ngā Mahere Whenua/ Mahere Whenua Mātua | Ngā Ma-he-re Whe-nu-a/ Ma-he-re Whe-nu-a Ma-tu-a |
Māori Collection (Māori Collections in all Community Libraries) |
Poetical: Māori Treasures |
Ngā Taonga Māori | Ngā Tao-nga Mā-o-ri |
Māori Language Resources |
Poetical: Māori Language is a Treasure |
He Taonga te Reo Māori | He Tao-nga te Reo Mā-o-ri |
Marketing & Finance |
Descriptive: To buy or sell/ Sum of money |
Hokona / Tahua | Ho-ko-na/ Ta-hu-a |
Microfiche |
Descriptive: Small film |
Kiriata Mororiki | Ki-ri-a-ta Mo-ro-ri-ki |
Microfilm |
Descriptive: Microscopic film |
Kiriata Mōkitokito | Ki-ri-a-ta Mō-ki-to-ki-to |
Microfilm/ Microfiche/ Printing |
Poetical: River of Knowledge |
Awa Mātauranga | A-wa Mā-tau-ra-nga |
Money |
Descriptive: Sum of money |
Tahua | Ta-hu-a |
Motor Manuals |
Descriptive: Explanatory writings that belong to canoes |
Tuhinga Whakamārama ā Waka | Tu-hi-nga Wha-ka-mā-ra-ma aa Wa-ka |
Music | Pūoro* | Pū-o-ro | |
Music |
Poetical: Sound treasures |
Ngā Taonga Pūoro | Ngā Tao-nga Pū-o-ro |
Music Scores |
Descriptive: Sound treasure words |
Ngā Kōrero ā Pūoro | Ngā Kō-re-ro aa Pū-o-ro |
N | |||
Natural World |
Traditional: Godly world |
Ao Tūroa | Ao Tū-ro-a |
Nature |
Traditional: True world |
Ao Tūturu | Ao Tū-tu-ru |
New Books |
Modern: Books that have just appeared |
Ngā Pukapuka Hou | Ngā Pu-ka-pu-ka Hou |
Newspapers |
Historical/ poetical: Written announcements |
Ngā Pūkaea a Tuhinga | Ngā Pū-ka-ea aa Tu-hi-nga |
New Zealand |
Historical: Land of the long white cloud |
Aotearoa | Ao-tea-roa |
Ngāi Tahu Collection |
Traditional/ descriptive: Nine tall trees |
Ngā Rākau Teitei e Iwa | Ngā Rā-kau Tei-tei e i-wa |
Non-Fiction | Ngā Kōrero Pono* | Ngā Kō-re-ro Po-no | |
Non-Fiction |
Descriptive: Special topics |
Take Motuhake | Ta-ke Mo-tu-ha-ke |
O | |||
Older Fiction |
Descriptive: Constructed topics for teenagers |
Take Waihanga ā ngā Rangatahi | Ta-ke Wai-ha-nga |
Other New Zealand Papers |
Poetical/ descriptive: Written announcements of New Zealand |
Ko ngā Pūkaea ā Tuhi o Aotearoa | Ko ngā Pū-ka-ea aa Tu-hi o Ao-tea-roa |
Outsize Books |
Descriptive: Large writings |
He Pukapuka Nunui | He Tu-hi-nga Nu-nu-i |
P | |||
PAD (Play and Display) |
Descriptive: Display and Play |
Whakaatu me te Tākaro | Wha-ka-a-tu me te Ta-ka-ro |
Pamphlets |
Descriptive: Explanatory notice |
He Pānui Whakamārama | He Pā-nu-i Wha-ka-mā-ra-ma |
Paperbacks |
Descriptive: Soft coverings |
Ngā Uhi Ngohe | Ngā U-hi Ngo-he |
People |
Descriptive: Different people of the world |
Ngā Tū Tāngata o te Ao | Ngā Tū Tā-nga-ta o te Ao |
Performance Videos |
Poetical: Ribbons that enable you to see |
Ngā Rīpene Whakakitenga | Ngā Rī-pe-ne Wha-ka-ki-te-nga |
Pets |
Descriptive: Different types of animals |
Ngā Tū Mōkai | Ngā Tū Mō-kai |
Phone Books |
Poetical: Wire writings |
Ngā Tuhinga Waea | Ngā Tu-hi-nga Wa-ea |
Photocopier |
Descriptive: Images that fly |
Pūrere Whakaahua | Pū-re-re Wha-ka-a-hua |
Photocopiers |
Descriptive: Images that fly |
Ngā Pūrere Whakaahua | Ngā Pū-re-re Wha-ka-a-hua |
Picture Books |
Descriptive: Picture writings |
Tuhinga Pikitia | Tu-hi-nga Pi-ki-ti-a |
Poetry | Descriptive: 1. To recite 2. Verse | Ngā Whiti | Ngā Whi-ti |
Press & Star |
Modern: Apply pressure/ star in the sky |
Perehi/ Whetu | Pe-re-hi/ Whe-tu |
Print Enlarger |
Descriptive: To enlarge print |
Whakanui i te Tāngia | Wha-ka-nu-i i te Tā-ngi-a |
Psychology |
Descriptive: Examine the mind |
Whakamātua ā Hinengaro | Wha-ka-mā-tau aa Hi-ne-nga-ro |
Public Computers | Ngā Rorohiko* | Ngā Ro-ro-hi-ko | |
Q | |||
Quick Reference |
Descriptive: Quick explanations |
Whakamārama Kōhiko | Wha-ka-mā-ra-ma Kō-hi-ko |
R | |||
Reading Guide |
Descriptive: Guide to reading |
Ārahi i te Pānuitanga | Ā-ra-hi i te Pā-nu-i-ta-nga |
Recent Returns |
Descriptive: New returns |
Ngā Hokinga Hou | Ngā Ho-ki-nga Hou |
Recent Returns – Fiction |
Descriptive: New returns – Constructed topics |
Hokinga Mai – Take Waihanga | Ngā Ho-ki-nga Hou – Take Waihanga |
Recent Returns – Non-fiction |
Descriptive: New returns – Special Topics |
Hokinga Mai – Take Motuhake | Ngā Ho-ki-nga Hou – Take Motuhake |
Reference |
Descriptive: Words seen before |
Kōrero Whakakitenga | Kō-re-ro Wha-ka-ki-te-nga |
Reference Magazines |
Descriptive: Magazines seen before |
Ngā Mōheni Whakakitenga | Ngā Mō-he-ni Wha-ka-ki-te-nga |
Relationships |
Descriptive: Human bindings |
Ngā Tuitui a Tāngata | Ngā Tui-tui aa Tā-nga-ta |
Religion |
Descriptive: Different faiths |
Ngā Tū Whakapono | Ngā Tū Wha-ka-po-no |
Research Room | Wāhi Rangahau* | Wā-hi Ra-nga-hau | |
S | |||
Science |
Descriptive: Centre of science |
Pūtaiao | Pū-ta-i-ao |
Sciences |
Descriptive: Different aspects of science |
Ngā Āhua o te Pūtaiao | Ngā Ā-hu-a o te Pū-ta-i-ao |
Science & Nature |
Descriptive: Centre of science/ True world |
Pūtaiao/ Ao Tūturu | Pū-ta-i-ao/ Ao Tū-tu-ru |
Self-help |
Descriptive: Enhance yourself |
Whakapakari i a koe | Wha-ka-pa-ka-ri i a ko-e |
Seminar & Training Room |
Descriptive: Area for students to learn |
Wāhi Rūnanga ā Akoranga | Wā-hi Rū-na-nga aa A-ko-ra-nga |
Small Business |
Descriptive: Small industries |
Umanga Iti | U-ma-na I-ti |
Sociology |
Descriptive: Sit closely as a clan |
Noho-tahitanga ā Hapori | No-ho-ta-hi-ta-nga aa Ha-po-ri |
Sound & Vision |
Descriptive: Sound/ To see |
Pūoro/ Kitenga | Pū-o-ro/ Ki-te-nga |
Sound |
Descriptive: Continuous sound |
Pūoro | Pū-o-ro |
Sport |
Historical: Physical exercise |
Hākinakina | Hā-ki-na-ki-na |
Statistics |
Descriptive: To count |
Tatauranga | Ta-tau-ra-nga |
Stories, Poems, Jokes & Pictures |
Descriptive: Stories, verses, humorous tales and images |
Ngā Pakiwaitara, Ngā Whiti, Ngā Kōrero Paki me ngā Whakaahua | Ngā Pa-ki-wai-ta-ra, Ngā Whi-ti, Ngā Kō-re-ro Pa-ki me ngā Wha-ka-a-hu-a |
Street Directories |
Descriptive: Listing of pathways |
Ngā Whaiara ā Huarahi | Ngā Wha-i-a-ra aa Hu-a-ra-hi |
Study Room | Wāhi Rangahau* | Wā-hi Ra-nga-hau | |
Study Room |
Descriptive: Place/ area for people to learn |
Wāhi Akoako | Wā-hi A-ko-a-ko |
Study Zone |
Descriptive: Place/ area of learning |
Wāhi Akoranga | Wā-hi A-ko-ra-nga |
T | |||
Talking Books |
Poetical: Writings that speak |
Tuhinga Kōrero | Kō-re-ro Tu-hi-nga |
Teaching Room | Wāhi Whakaako* | Wā-hi Wha-ka-a-ko | |
The Americas | Descriptive: Different lands of America | Ngā Whenua o Amerika | Ngā Whe-nua o A-me-ri-ka |
The Margaret Mahy Collection of New Zealand Children’s Books |
Descriptive: Margaret Mahy Collection and other books for New Zealand Children |
Ko te Kohinga o Margaret Mahy me ngā Pukapuka ā Tamariki o Aotearoa | Ko te Ko-hi-nga o Margaret Mahy me ngā Pu-ka-pu-ka ā Ta-ma-ri-ki o Ao-tea-roa |
Things to Make and Do |
Descriptive: Working with hands to create |
Ngā Mahi ā Ringa hei Hanga | Ngā Ma-hi aa Ri-nga hei Ha-nga |
Trade Directories |
Descriptive: List of work performed by hand |
Rārangi Mahi ā Ringa | Rā-ra-ngi Ma-hi aa Ri-nga |
Transport | Descriptive: Different types of movement by different modes of transport | Ngā Tū Haerenga | Ngā Tū Hae-re-nga |
Travel |
Descriptive: Movement together in groups |
Ngā Takahaere | Ngā Ta-ka-hae-re |
V | |||
Videos |
Poetical: Ribbons that show, or display |
Ngā Rīpene Whakaata | Ngā Rī-pe-ne Wha-ka-a-ta |
Vision |
Descriptive: What can and has been seen |
Kitenga | Ki-te-nga |
W | |||
Waitangi Tribunal Reports |
Descriptive: Waitangi Reports |
Ngā Rīpoata o Waitangi | Ngā Rī-po-a-ta o Wai-ta-ngi |
Well-being |
Descriptive: Life enhancement |
Oranga ake | O-ra-nga a-ke |
What’s Happening |
Descriptive: Talk of the time |
Kōrero o te Wā | Kō-re-ro o te Wā |
Woodwork |
Descriptive: Working with wood |
Ngā Mahi Rākau | Ngā Ma-hi Rā-kau |
World Languages | Ngā Reo o te Ao* | Ngā Re-o o te Ao | |
World Wars |
Descriptive: Enormous wars of the world |
Ngā Pakanga Nunui o te Ao | Ngā Pa-ka-nga Nu-nu-i o te Ao |
Y | |||
Younger Fiction |
Historical: Stories for children |
Pakiwaitara ā Taiohi | Pa-ki-wai-ta-ra aa Tai-o-hi |
Functional signs/Ngā Tohutohu mahi – Level two
English term | Meaning | Māori name | Pronounciation |
Baby Changing Room |
Descriptive: A nest for caring |
He Kōhanga Atawhai | He Kō-ha-nga A-ta-wha-i |
Children’s Toilets |
Descriptive: Small house for children |
He Whare Iti ā ngā Tamariki | Wha-re I-ti aa ngā Ta-ma-ri-ki |
Lifts | Ngā Ararewa* | Ngā A-ra-re-wa | |
Parenting Room | Rūma Mātua* | Rū-ma Mā-tu-a | |
Parenting Room |
Descriptive: An area/ place for parents |
He Wāhi Mātua | He Wā-hi Mā-tu-a |
Staff Only |
Descriptive: Only workers/ staff |
Kai-mahi Anake | Kai-ma-hi A-na-ke |
Staff Room |
Descriptive: Area/ place for rest |
Wahi Whakatā | Wā-hi Wha-ka-tā |
Toilets | Ngā Wharepaku* | Ngā Wha-re-pa-ku | |
Toilets |
Descriptive: Small houses |
Ngā Whare iti | Ngā Wha-re I-ti |
Special Features/Ngā Āhuatanga Motuhake – Level three
English term | Meaning | Māori name | Pronounciation |
Bestsellers |
Descriptive: Famous/ popular writings |
Ngā Tuhinga Rongonui | Ngā Tu-hi-nga Ro-ngo-nu-i |
Books for Sale |
Descriptive: Books you can buy |
Ngā Pukapuka e Hoko | Ngā Pu-ka-pu-ka e Ho-ko |
Items for Sale |
Descriptive: Things you can buy |
Ngā Mea e Hoko | Ngā Me-a e Ho-ko |
New Arrivals | Ngā Taenga Hou* | Ngā Tae-nga Hou | |
New Books |
Descriptive: Books that are new |
Ngā Pukapuka Hou | Ngā Pu-ka-pu-ka Hou |
Staff Picks |
Descriptive: Indications given from staff |
Ngā Tohutohu ā ngā Kai-mahi | Ngā To-hu-to-hu aa ngā Kai-ma-hi |
English term | Meaning | Māori name | Pronounciation |
Central City Library Manager |
Descriptive: Leading manager |
Kai-whakahaere Matua | Kai-wha-ka-hae-re Ma-tu-a |
Librarian |
Descriptive: Senior book person |
Kai-pukapuka Matua | Kai-pu-ka-pu-ka Ma-tu-a |
Library Assistant |
Poetical/ historical: Assistant to senior book person |
Kōpuka Kai-Tuarā | Kō-pu-ka Kai-tu-a-rā |
Libraries Manager |
Historical: Senior manager |
Tumuaki | Tu-mu-a-ki |