Our website was born on 7 June 1995 – Whoopee!

Happy birthday to our library website!
Have a ride on the Wayback Machine and take a look at how we looked back in 1995.

The URL back then was http://www.ccc.govt.nz/library/ and here's the first baby photo:

And here is how she looked on her 20th birthday:

The library website was born on 7 June 1995, and she was the first public library internet presence in Australasia:

... The library’s move into the digital age was further boosted in June 1995, when the library established its first web pages. Part of the Christchurch City Council site, the library’s pages were the first public library internet presence in Australasia. In addition to providing information about the library and its services, they offered online catalogue access for the first time

Thanks to our ever-innovative librarian Paul Sutherland for bringing that first website online, and for looking after it so well.

Browse our brief history of Christchurch City Libraries and our factsheet for more milestones, technological and otherwise.

Unwrapping the new OPAC Launch of OPACs