QUIZ: An Aotearoa/ New Zealand autumn

Some questions about March, April, May and autumn in general.
Seeing action in in North Africa and Europe, one of the units we remember on Anzac Day is the 28th (Māori) Battalion. In which crucial battle did they take part in in 1942?
Matatiki Hornby Centre iopens on 19 April 2024. The very first Hornby Library which opened in March 1972 was situated in which local building?
Which of these plants will be in bloom at Te Māra Huaota o Waipapa | Christchurch Botanic Gardens in autumn?
In what year did the Anzac Day Dawn Service return to Cathedral Square following several years of post-earthquake disruption?
What type of trees don’t lose their leaves in autumn?
May 2000 saw the launch of which nationwide cultural celebration?
Christchurch Pride is celebrated in March. Aotearoa/New Zealand was the 13th country in the world to legalise what?
The Super Rugby season used to nicely fit into the autumn months of March, April and May. In what year did the Super 12 tournament begin?
Easter sports tournaments were common in the early 20th century. Which sport did a Miss Cowlishaw play at a 1908 tournament in Ōtautahi/Christchurch?
According to a well-known Kiwi supermarket, what is the most popular type of kūmara?
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