QUIZ: Parihaka – The Canterbury Connection by cclstaffNovember 1, 2024 Quiz: Parihaka - The Canterbury Connection Explore facts relating to the invasion of Parihaka which is commemorated on 5 November every year, and the connections between this event and Canterbury people and places. What colour feather was worn by those who followed the line of passive resistance? A. White B. Red C. Black D. Green 1. The Māori people of Parihaka in Taranaki practiced a policy of non-violent resistance to protest the forceful occupation of confiscated land. In what year on 5 November did government troops enter the village of Parihaka? A. 1865 B. 1901 C. 1881 D. 1876 6. Which politician from Canterbury was Premier of Aotearoa New Zealand at the time of Parihaka? A. Richard John Seddon B. George Grey C. John Hall D. Michael Joseph Savage A well-known Cantabrian more usually remembered for his work on the Summit Road was a member of the Armed Constabulary at Parihaka. Who was it? A. Leonard Cockayne B. William Wilson C. Harry Ell D. Tommy Taylor Prisoners from Parihaka were brought south and confined in a quarantine station in Lyttelton Harbour / Whakaraupō. Where was it located? A. Ōtamahua / Quail Island B. Port Levy (Koukourarata) C. Rīpapa Island D. Camp Bay (Te Pōhue) A memorial to those from Parihaka who died in Canterbury was unveiled in 2000. Where is it? A. Rāpaki B. Rīpapa Island C. Lyttelton (Ōhinehou) D. Ōtamahua / Quail Island 8. A portrait of Te Whiti-o-Rongomai (Te Whiti) was created in 1962 by a Christchurch born artist. It was used for the cover illustration of book Parihaka: the art of passive resistance, but who was the artist? A. Colin McCahon B. Doris Lusk C. Tony Fomison D. Bill Sutton A composer from Ōtautahi Christchurch created an orchestral piece entitled “Remember Parihaka”. Who is the composer? A. John Ritchie B. Anthony Ritchie C. Douglas Lilburn D. Gillian Whitehead A deed of reconciliation between the Crown and the Parihaka community was signed in which year? A. 1917 B. 1957 C. 1997 D. 2017 Two Māori prophets from Parihaka were brought south to Ōtautahi Christchurch in 1882 and taken around different South Island locations. One was Tohu Kākahi. Who was the other prophet? A. Te Whiti-o-Rongomai (Te Whiti) B. Hōne Heke C. Apirana Ngata D. Māui Pōmare This form is protected by reCAPTCHAIf you require an alternate submission method, please contact us.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Find more Learn more about Parihaka Parihaka and the “civilising influence” of Christchurch (blog post) Posts about colonisation Local history quizzes Add a comment
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