- A paper advocating the formation of a North Canterbury defence league
- Addington cemetery plan
- Address of his Honor, the Superintendent on opening the Seventeenth Session of the Provincial Council of Canterbury, N.Z., 22nd October, 1861
- Akaroa - Akaroa by B.E. Baughan, 1919
- Akaroa - Old Maori place names round Akaroa Harbour
- Akaroa Centennial Celebrations. Souvenir programme, 20 April 1940
- Albert James North collection
- Architectural drawings
- Architectural heritage of Christchurch
- Arthur Francis Lester Priest: Diary 1915
- Canterbury (N.Z.) Aviation Co. : the first hundred pilots
- Canterbury (New Zealand) Aviation Co. Limited - services and training pamphlet
- Canterbury - New Zealand - Canterbury Progress League pamphlet
- Canterbury pilgrims song
- Canterbury Police Gazette
- Canterbury Public Library Publications
- Canterbury Society of Arts Catalogues, 1881 - 1914
- Canterbury Stories
- Canterbury's demonstration on the departure of the N.Z. Rough Riders for South Africa, Hagley Park, Saturday Feb. 17, 1900.
- Cashmere Sanatorium album and photographs, 1913-1933
- Catalogue of books belonging to the Canterbury Association, June 17th 1852
- Catalogue of Canterbury Art Exhibition, 1870
- Cecil Malthus : World War I papers
- Charles Joseph Bridge shipboard diary
- Charles Reginald Shaw: Diary, December 10th 1866 to August 5th 1872
- Christchurch and suburban directory for 1879
- Christchurch chronology
- Christchurch City Council publications
- Christchurch City Libraries ArchivesSpace
- Christchurch Documentary Project
- Christchurch inner city report, 1946
- Christchurch Lunatic Asylum Annual Report, 1868
- Christchurch Mechanics' Institute, 1859-1874
- Christchurch Militia List, 1860
- Christchurch Photo Hunt
- Christchurch Star archive
- Christchurch Star, 23 November 1963
- Christchurch War Memorial: Bridge of Remembrance
- Christchurch Writers’ Trail
- Christchurch, New Zealand, city of beautiful gardens and parklands, tourist centre of the South Island
- City of Christchurch, N.Z. : peace celebrations, 1919
- Clarkson family letters and memorabilia
- Come to Akaroa, Canterbury’s premier seaside resort : tourists’ guide book
- Condemnation of land reclamation at Lyttelton
- Correspondence relating to the management of the Christchurch Hospital, 1870
- Gallipoli papers
- Gavin Turner collection
- George Whitley: Norfolk Island diary and other jottings, World War II, 1941-1943.
- Gimblett family collection
- Gordon Gee botanical illustrations
- Governors Bay, reminiscences of past and present days
- Grand November Show - programme of Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association’s exhibition, 1886
- Green gate by Lois Holderness - a memoir of life on Banks Peninsula
- Greg Dowson collection
- Greg O'Beirne collection
- Halswell Project, 2015
- Haunted by History
- Hay's Christmas Parade
- Heathcote Cemetery plan
- Hei Hei Settlement
- Heney family album
- Henry Bottle: Shipboard diary and six letters, 1879-1884
- Henry Edward Newton’s Travel journals, 1906-1951
- How to research the history of a house in Christchurch
- Howard Kippenberger: World War II letters and cards, 1940-1945
- Legacy Architectural Plans of Christchurch Buildings
- Legacy Maps Collection
- Legacy Photographs Collection
- Letters from all latitudes : being some account of a voyage from England to New Zealand, 26 May-9 September 1864.
- Library 150 Anniversary tukutuku Panels
- Library Treasures
- Linwood Cemetery plans
- Linwood Public Library
- Log book of the ship Mirage: a shipboard diary kept by C.E.D. Goff, 1864
- Log on board the S.S. Somersetshire, 1869
- Louis Elerig: Letters
- Lyttelton Times - January 11, 1851