Digital Technology in Libraries policy

July 2024


This policy explores why and how libraries offer technology in libraries for the hapori | community.

Christchurch City Libraries Ngā Kete Wānanga o Ōtautahi’s purpose is to connect people, inspire discovery and enrich communities. To support these goals, we offer access to:

  • the internet
  • public computing devices
  • online information
  • digital technology
  • new and emerging technologies

Technology in libraries allows users to acquire and exercise digital literacy, design literacy and information literacy. It enables customers to:

  • Explore
  • Discover
  • Research
  • Create
  • Learn
  • Play

This policy aligns with the IFLA-UNESCO Public Library Manifesto and the Public Libraries of New Zealand Strategic Framework as well as Christchurch City Council and Christchurch City Libraries Ngā Kete Wānanga o Ōtautahi’s plans, strategies, and policies.

Policy scope


The policy applies to:

  • Library customers and visitors using library technology, in libraries and other locations
  • Library kaimahi | staff
  • Digital services kaimahi providing library technology
  • Outreach services where kaimahi visit schools, events, retirement villages, malls, and other locations.


The library provides technology to offer the hapori equity of access so people can:

  • Use technology for connection, learning, research, entertainment, and creativity
  • Learn about technology with the support of library kaimahi
  • Experiment and test out tools and technologies
  • Be supported by kaimahi in the use of technology
  • Engage in the civic digital space and exercise digital citizenship
  • Improve their wellbeing and take up opportunities
  • Participate in the hapori


Technology used in libraries includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Computers (mobile, desktop, and peripherals)
  • Software such as web browsers and productivity, communication, design applications
  • Printing, scanning, and photocopying
  • Microfiche and microfilm
  • Equipment and devices provided for customer use in our makerspaces such as cameras, microphones, musical instruments and music production equipment; sewing machines, badgemaking, 3D and other types of printers and cutters
  • Audiovisual and meeting room technology such as digital displays, sound systems, video and web cameras
  • Immersive experience technologies such as virtual and augmented reality
  • Gaming including eSports (digital games, consoles, controllers, headsets, keyboards, and mice)
  • Touchscreen technologies such as interactive walls and wayfinders
  • Other creative technologies
  • New and emerging technologies

The policy does not apply to:

  • Service points
  • Self-service transaction points
  • Security, building systems and any other technology in each facility that is not for public use


The core offerings provided by the library are:

  • Free internet, and wired and wifi access at all libraries
  • Maintaining a ratio of devices available to the public as defined in the Libraries Activity Plan

Technologies will be evaluated and made available based on impact and benefit to the hapori.

Kaimahi can:

  • Provide access to technology and training
  • Support the use of technology
  • Offer clear information on what’s needed to access and use technology
  • Employ technology as part of training, programmes and events designed to meet customers’ diverse lifelong learning needs
  • Maintain the technology over the asset’s life cycle
  • Meet the requirements of the Privacy Act and the Christchurch City Council Privacy Policy to protect customer data

Policy statement

Equity of access

The Library will provide technology that reflects the Māori worldview and provides functionality in te reo Māori. The Library will ensure resources are available in community languages. This helps ensure libraries are a place where people are welcomed into, where each person is cared for, and rangatiratanga is respected.

The hapori will have free access to:

  • The internet
  • Online information through the digital library
  • Technologies
  • Public computing devices at the ratio referred to in the Libraries Activity Plan.

The Library offers internet access in alignment with its Content Development Policy.

To manage demand and ensure fair access:

  • The Library may apply time limitations
  • Some computers and screens only provide access to specific sites or services such as children, family history, PressReader, the library catalogue, and the library website.

Costs and outputs (printing, 3D objects) are kept to a minimum to ensure equity of access. Pricing is standardised across the library network.

Safety and security

When customers are using the Internet, library devices, and technology they agree to: 

  • Observe the Customer Code of Conduct
  • Keep data private
  • Maintain computer and network security
  • Avoid viewing indecent, pornographic, violent and disturbing material
  • Abide by the copyright laws and licensing requirements of New Zealand
  • Observe Health & Safety statements according to the recommendations of manufacturers
  • Watch material on screens that is appropriate for the location

Kaimahi will:

  • Ensure the safety of customers when running events and programmes using technology
  • Follow manufacturer guidelines as to how operate the equipment
  • Show content on screens which is appropriate for the location

Some conditions apply:

  • Software available for use on library-owned technology will be rated for all ages. Acceptable ratings include G, PG, and may include M15+ if it is rated as low violence
  • Some equipment can only be accessed by trained library kaimahi, or under supervision
  • Customers may be approved by kaimahi to use technology unsupervised if they have met certain criteria and are experienced users
  • There may be specific requirements when borrowing some library equipment to use either in the library or at another location
  • Only library approved and supplied consumables (including paper and 3D filament) can be used on devices including public printers and 3D printers, to ensure they remain in working order

An age limit of 12 years and older is set on all library managed Virtual Reality headsets whether they are used in libraries or at library run events.

As defined in the Care of children and youth in libraries policy,  parents and caregivers are responsible for supervising their dependent’s activities in the Library, including their use of the internet, computers, and equipment such as VR.

References and related documents

Document Link
The IFLA-UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 2022
Public Libraries of New Zealand Strategic Framework.
Ngā Aho bicultural plan Library internal document
CCC Terms of use
Christchurch City Council Libraries Activity Plan, Long Term Plan and Annual Plans
CCC Community outcomes
Website terms of use 
Wi-fi terms and conditions of use 
Content Development Policy 
Customer code of conduct 
Fees and charges 
Care of Children in libraries 
Privacy Policy 
3D Printer policy and procedure
Use of Artificial Intelligence Policy CCC internal policy

Download Digital Technology in Libraries policy (July 2024) [147 KB PDF]

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