

Nutrition and Diet

Nutrition websites

Health Reference Center Academic
Articles from nursing and allied health journals, newspapers, newsletters and full-text reference work on fitness, pregnancy, medicine, nutrition, diseases, public health, occupational health and safety, alcohol and drug abuse, prescription drugs, and more. The material contained in this database is intended for informational purposes only.
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Choice Food for Kids
Australian site which reviews food products to help parents choose healthier food for their children.

Consumer Information - New Zealand Food Safety Authority
Information for consumers all about food safety, from the chemicals in everyday food through to information on product recall and foodborne illnesses.

Dietitians New Zealand
The national professional body of the dietetic profession, currently representing over 450 dietitians and associated professionals practising in related areas of nutritional care, health and disease throughout New Zealand.

Family Doctor: Nutrition
Written by New Zealand health professionals, Family Doctor contains patient's guides, overviews and links for a wide range of health topics.

Food Safety & Nutrition Information Food Safety & Nutrition Information
Information for consumers from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration

Food safety practices in preparing and cooking a hangi [1.67 MB PDF] He whakatairanga i nga ahuatanga mahi mo tunu hangi
From the Ministry of Primary Industries.

IPCS INCHEM Chemical Safety Information is a collaborative venture of the ILO, UNEP and the WHO. It is a means of rapid access to internationally peer reviewed information on chemicals commonly used throughout the world, which may also occur as contaminants in the environment and food. It consolidates information from a number of intergovernmental organizations whose goal it is to assist in the sound management of chemicals.

Mayo Clinic Food and Nutrition Center
Nutrition news in the headlines, healthy versions of recipes, and articles about food and cooking.

MEDLINEplus: Diet and Nutrition
Extensive information from the National Institutes of Health (USA), contains a medical encyclopaedia, dictionaries, news, overviews, information on specific conditions and links to other organisations.

MEDLINEplus: Food Allergy
Extensive information from the National Institutes of Health (USA), contains a medical encyclopaedia, dictionaries, news, overviews, information on specific conditions and links to other organisations.

New Zealand Food Composition Data
The database allows you to view what a particular food is composed of.

Practical nutrition information from the Community and Public Health division of the Canterbury District Health Board.

Nutrition Foundation
A non-profit organisation working pro-actively in the nutrition field alongside the food industry, Ministry of Health, other health promotion agencies, schools and the media.

Nutrition Panel Calculator (NPC)
Has been developed to provide food manufacturers with the ability to readily calculate the average nutrient content of their food products and to prepare a nutrition information panel as required under Standard 1.2.8 - Nutrition Information Requirements, of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. From Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

The Nutrition Source
Carbs or calories? Fiber or fat? Finally, a source you can trust for information on healthy eating. The Harvard School of Public Health has amassed easy-to-digest information on such matters as food pyramids, exercise, calcium, interpreting the mass media, alcohol and type 2 diabetes. The articles are all straightforward and grounded in real science rather than hype, and technical terms are hyper-linked for maximum comprehension.


Our health pages provide access to information not advice.

We aim to provide access to current, accurate health information, however we do not assume responsibility for any errors or omissions in published sources and have no control over the conduct of the companies or organisations operating the web sites we link to. For diagnosis, treatment and medication advice you should consult a health practitioner.

Before you disclose any personal information to another site, we advise you to check its terms and conditions, including its privacy and security policies.

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