Matariki - the Māori New Year - will take place on Pipiri 25 June 2017. During Matariki we celebrate our unique place in the world. We give respect to the whenua on which we live, and admiration to our mother earth, Papatūānuku.
Matariki 2017 is a fresh look through old eyes at Māori oral traditions, practices and customs associated with the Māori New Year. Over the next three years the Christchurch City Libraries will be re-introducing ‘Te Iwa o Matariki – the Nine stars of Matariki’ beginning with Te Kātao o Matariki – the water stars of Matariki, Waipuna-ā-rangi, Waitī, Waitā.
Matariki Toi - Community Art Project in the Library
Each year a community art project runs in all our libraries for all to explore their creative side. This year the project is weave a star. Materials are supplied, all you have to do is bring your creativity.
Find out when you can work on Matariki Toi at your libraries.
Matariki Wā Kōrero - Matariki Storytimes
In addition to our normal Storytimes we have Matariki Storytimes. Come celebrate and welcome the Māori New Year with stories, songs, rhymes and craft activities. All welcome, free of charge.
See our list of Matariki Wā Kōrero - Matariki Storytimes.
Rehua Marae Matariki Wānaka - Saturday, 24 June
Matariki celebrations continue at Rehua Marae. Stalls, waiata, workshops for the whole family to enjoy. Pop in and say kia ora to staff from Christchurch City Libraries at our library stand/table.
10am to 3pm
Rehua Marae
79 Springfield Road

All Matariki events at the library
Our Learning Centres are offering special Matariki Connect sessions for schools, introducing students to the key concepts of Te Iwa o Matariki with a focus on the three water stars, and involving a range of fun activities. This programme is now fully booked.
Other Matariki events in Christchurch
Matariki in the Zone - Sunday, 25 June
Organised by the Avon-Ōtākaro Network - a celebration of Matariki at the Mahinga Kai Exemplar site including the opening of the Poppies commemoration garden. Activities include -
- planting
- carving
- weaving
- build your own hut
- displays and talks
Anzac Drive Reserve
Corserland St (access of New Brighton Road)
"This is what the river told me" art and writing competition
Year 1-13 pupils can submit a written work (up to 2000 words) or artwork (maximum size A3) along the theme of "This is what the river told me". Entries close 16 June and should be emailed (for artworks a photograph of the art and dimensions/media) to
Please include your first and last name, age, school and year.
More about Matariki
- Read our post about Te Iwa o Matariki - The Nine Stars of Matariki
- Explore our page on Matariki.
- Read our page on Matariki for kids.
- Find more information on Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Māori for tamariki.
Matariki crafts
Download star art weaving [478KB PDF]
Download origami star for Matariki [1MB PDF]
Matariki Wānaka, Matariki Takiura - Saturday, 17 June
Christchurch City Libraries and Kotahi Mano Kāika (KMK) hosted a family day at New Brighton Library. See photos from the event.
Activities included:
- art activities and competitions
- Matariki, The Star of the Year. a presentation relating to the book by Associate Professor Dr Rangi Matamua,
- exploring the stars with Skyview
- explore KMK te reo Māori resources on the library computers
- storytelling about Te Iwa o Matariki.
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