Podcast – New Zealand’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) 2024

Christchurch City Libraries blog hosts a series of regular podcasts from specialist human rights radio show Speak up - Kōrerotia. This show is created by Sally Carlton.

Every four/five years, each UN Member State undergoes a review of its human rights record, known as the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). In 2024, it was the turn of Aotearoa New Zealand to report on its progress and receive recommendations. On this show, recorded in collaboration with Plains FM's ACTivate, Lisa Woods (Movement Building and Advocacy Director at Amnesty International New Zealand) discusses some of the issues raised in the UPR.

This show first aired on Canterbury's Plains FM 96.9, and was made with the assistance on NZ On Air.

Transcript - UPR 2024

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Catalogue record for Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous PeoplesCatalogue record for Human Rights in New Zealand Emerging FaultlinesCatalogue record for The universal declaration of human rightsCatalogue record for Conversations About Indigenous RightsCatalogue record for Making the Declaration Work: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous PeoplesCatalogue record for Narratives of Migrant and Refugee Discrimination in New ZealandCatalogue record for Are the Rights of Children Experiencing Poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand Being Observed?Catalogue record for International Indigenous Rights in Aotearoa New ZealandCatalogue record for Human Rights: a Documentary on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (streaming audio)Catalogue record for Eleanor Roosevelt Reads the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Ca. 1948 (streaming video)Catalogue record for Youth Justice in New ZealandCatalogue record for United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous PeoplesCatalogue record for Refuge New Zealand

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