QUIZ: It’s Show time by cclstaffNovember 1, 2023 Quiz: It's show time How much do you know about the history of The Show? What does A&P stand for? A: Animals and Puppies B: Agricultural and Pastoral C: Agricultural and People D: Animals and Paddocks What year was the first Agricultural Show in Ōtautahi Christchurch? A: 1862 B: 1872 C: 1882 D: 1892 What size is the largest crowd to attend the A&P show? A: 58,000 B: 96,000 C: 100,000 D: 120,000 What year was the first A&P show held at Canterbury Agricultural Park show grounds? A: 1975 B: 1987 C: 1995 D: 1997 In the 1924 Show the Garden Gate competition for school children had a prize of £1.1 shilling. Who do you think donated the prize money? A: Canterbury Branch of the N.Z. Forestry League B: Messers’ Hollis and Williams Building Contractors C: G booth and Son Agricultural Implement Manufacturers D: A McKee Coal and Firewood Merchants What sporting event at the A&P show would involve a jigger board? A: Dog trials B: Show jumping C: Woodchopping D: Endurocross racing What horses would you see at the A&P Show? A: Draught horses B: Cob horses C: Show jumping horses D: Miniature horses E: All of the above What year were Llamas first exhibited at The Show? A: 1891 B: 1920 C: 1966 D: 1981 How far is it, travelling by cart and bullocks, from Okains Bay to the Ōtautahi Christchurch A&P show in Addington? A: 125 km B: 65 km C: 59 km D: 54 km Which one of these names is not a sheep breed? A: Lincoln Longwool B: Romney Marsh C: Friesian D: Shropshire Downs This form is protected by reCAPTCHAIf you require an alternate submission method, please contact us.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Add a comment
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