The 24th Bad Diaries Salon: WORD Christchurch 2024

There have been 23 Bad Diaries Salons, featuring 80 writers. Our host - and Bad Diaries curator - writer Tracy Farr proudly announces: "This is the 24th".

She shares the rules "What happens in-salon stays in-salon". So I am allowed to share pics and "generalities".  The event took place in Altiora (The Gym) in the Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora. It's an atmospheric spot, with soaring beams in the ceiling and beautiful coloured lights. 

The writers who opened their clearfiles, diaries, letters and put themselves in the "Frame" were:

  • Louise Wallace
  • Megan Dunn 
  • Josiah Morgan (Kāi Tahu, Ngāti Maniapoto)
  • Jessica Hinerangi aka Māori Mermaid (Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Ngāpuhi, Pākehā)

The Salon was a mashup of embarrassing, sad, pretentious, sincere, and saucy and the audience and I say a hearty BLESS YOU to those who had the guts to share. 


Photos from the Bad Diaries Salon

About Bad Diaries Salon

Bad Diaries Salon was established mid-2017 when Jenny Ackland pondered on Twitter – were there any writers who still had their teenage diaries? Would they front up and read from them, live? Turns out heaps of them were more than willing. The Bad Diaries Salon format is the writers read stuff from their diaries or other unpublished juvenilia. Each Salon has its own theme.

Read: Inside the secret diaries of writers by Bess Manson, The Press, 10 August 2024 - includes our wonderful Salonistas and Salonistos sharing stuff. 

Previous salons:

Bad Diaries Salon guests



I'm Still Growing


The Mermaid Chronicles

Host and curator


The Hope Fault

Hurdy Gurdy

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