Opening hours
- The number 5, 60 and 135 bus routes stop nearby. See the Metroinfo timetables for more information.
- Purchase and top up Metrocards
- Bike stands
- Off street parking, including 2 electric vehicle charging stations.
Services and facilities
- Accessibility information: Hāpai Access Card
- Services available at all Christchurch City Libraries
- Book a librarian one on one sessions
- AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
- After hours returns bin in car park
- Parenting room
- Toilets off pier building foyer
- Meeting rooms and bookable spaces
- Events at New Brighton library
- Purchase and top up Metrocards
- New Brighton surf cam
Computers and technology
- Auahatanga - Creative Spaces including 3D printing, badge maker, heat press, DTG Direct to Garment Printing, and craft cutter.
- Janome AR1012 sewing machine (and kit including: machine needles, pins, seam ripper, needle threader, tape measure, needles for hand sewing and darning, and a variety of cotton colours)
- 11 public computers with free internet access
- Children's computer
- Playstation 5
- Free wireless internet access
- Scan to email or USB
- Printing & copying
Te Papatipu Matihiko
Te Papatipu Matihiko are resident in the library. They offer a range of bilingual digital education initiatives including coding, game design, digital content creation and software development.
Te Papatipu Matihiko is a charitable trust that is a collaboration between leading Māori organisations (Victory Up, Ngāti Gaming and Digital Natives Academy) working in the esports/digital tech education space. They’re committed to inspiring and empowering young people by illuminating pathways into digital and creative technology and will run programmes from New Brighton Library.
- Fiction and nonfiction
- Magazines
- CDs and DVDs
- Children’s and young adults’ material
- Jigsaws
- Large print and Talking books
- Newspapers
- Ngā Pounamu Māori
Ward and Community Board
New Brighton Library is in the Coastal Ward.
Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board holds regular meetings that you’re welcome to attend. Anyone can ask to speak to the board about a local issue, activity or project. Find out more: Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board
Photographs of New Brighton Library
View more photos of the library on Flickr