Matariki - the Māori New Year - will take place on 6-9 July 2018. During Matariki we celebrate our unique place in the world. We give respect to the whenua on which we live, and admiration to our mother earth, Papatūānuku.
Matariki 2018 at Christchurch City Libraries continues the theme of ‘Te Iwa o Matariki – the Nine stars of Matariki’, this year with a focus on Toitū Ngā Mahinga Kai o Matariki - Sustainable natural resources of Matariki: Tupuānuku, Tupuārangi, Ururangi.
During June in the lead up to Māori New Year we'll be offering a range of whānau-friendly celebrations and activities at our libraries.
Matariki Toi - Community Art Project in the Library
Each year a community art project runs in our libraries for all to explore their creative side. This year the project is create a replica manu tukutuku (traditional Māori kite). Materials are supplied, all you have to do is bring your creativity.
Matariki Wā Kōrero - Matariki Storytimes
In addition to our normal Storytimes we have Matariki Storytimes. Come celebrate and welcome the Māori New Year with stories, songs, rhymes and craft activities. All welcome, free of charge.
See our list of Matariki Wā Kōrero - Matariki Storytimes.

Matariki Whānau Fun Days - Saturday 9 & 23 June
Celebrate Matariki at our two free whānau fun days! We’ll have art activities, colouring competitions, storytelling, exploring the stars with Skyview and much more!
Aranui Library
Saturday 9 June
Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library and Community Centre
Saturday 23 June
Matariki Connect
Our Learning Centres are offering special Matariki Connect sessions for schools, introducing students to the key concepts of Te Iwa o Matariki and involving a range of fun activities. This programme is now fully booked.
Find all Matariki events at the library
Other Matariki events in Christchurch
Matariki Celebrations: The Arts Centre - 8 June - 22 July
The Arts Centre invites you to come together as a community / whānau to celebrate Matariki 2018 with a variety of activities at the Arts Centre including a talk by Māori astronomer Dr Rangi Matamua, kapa haka, music and themed storytime sessions.
Matariki Celebration - Ara: Institute of Canterbury - 11-15 June
Ara will be having a whole programme of celebrations and activities 11-15 June across all of their campuses, including waiata, games, speakers, and food.
Matariki Celebration at Bromley Community Centre - Friday 15 June
Pop along to the Bromley Community Centre to celebrate Matariki (Māori New Year)
Free entertainment, free activities, free tea and coffee, free fruit, plus affordable, yummy Māori kai available to purchase! Bromley School Kapa Haka Group will be performing at 4:30pm
Bromley Community Centre
45 Bromley Road
Matariki Star Craft - Saturday 16 June 11am
Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū - Listen to a new story, The Stolen Stars of Marariki by Miriana Kamo and Zak Waipara, and then make your own Matariki mobile to take home. Ages 4-9. $5 per child, book online.
Matariki in the Zone - Sunday 17 June
Organised by Avebury House, Avon-Ōtākaro Network and Richmond Community Garden. Guests are encouraged to contribute produce from their own garden or pantry, dropping off at Avebury House at 11am to contribute to the shared meal from 12 noon to 2pm. Please RSVP to let them know participant numbers and harvest contribution at:
- Māori crafts (wood carving and flax weaving)
- Live music
- Fun things to do for kids.
- Shared kai of soups by Richard Till, and a hangi
- blessing and opening of the Native Edible Garden in the Richmond Community Garden
Avebury House,
9 Eveleyn Couzins Ave
Te Whare Roimata & the Linwood Community Arts Centre presents “Te Whare Maire O Nga Punawerewere” Festival of Maori Art & Culture Monday 18 June to Friday 6 July
Beginning on Monday 18th June at 5pm with a powhiri, this exhibition showcases contemporary and traditional art works by local Māori artists. Free Kapa haka classes will be held throughout the exhibition and follow the theme of the seven stars of Matariki. The classes offered this year are kite making, movies, waiata and a concert on the final night of Friday 6th July at 5pm.
The children’s activities will be held Tuesdays 4.30pm – 6.30pm & Fridays 5pm onwards throughout the exhibition.
Tuesday 19 June Kapa Haka arts storytelling
Friday 22 June Traditional Games
Tuesday 26 June Movie night
Friday 29 June Whānau movie night
Tuesday 3 July Kapa Haka arts storytelling
Friday 6 July Concert night.
There is no charge for classes however registrations are essential. Call 981 2881 to book. Children and families most welcome.
Eastside Gallery
388 Worcester Street
Gallery Hours:
Monday to Friday 11am – 4pm
Saturday 12pm - 3pm
Most art works will be for sale
Subscribe to the Facebook event.
Light Up Matariki Lantern Making Workshop - Sunday 24 June
Create nature inspired lanterns this Matariki at the Gardens. Combine twigs, leaves and paper to make LED candle lanterns and light up the chilly nights of Matariki. Limited places and parents and guardians will be required to help with construction. Please note that we will be using hot glue. This workshop is most suitable for 7 to 12 year olds, but all ages are welcome. Cost $5 per child.
10am to midday
Christchurch Botanic Gardens
Visitor Centre and Ilex Cafe
Rolleston Avenue
Matariki at the Hub - Sunday 24 June
Celebrating Matariki at the Phillipstown Community Hub!
A family day with lots of activities, bouncy castle, face painting, carving, music, waiata, traditional sports, photo booths, arts & crafts, kapa haka, and - of course - kai!
Phillipstown Community Hub
39 Nursery Road
Rehua Marae Matariki Whānau Day - Saturday 30 June
Matariki celebrations at Rehua Marae - subscribe to the Facebook event.
Kai and craft stalls, entertainment from local kapa haka and Maori musicians, free workshops. Entertainment: Kaitaka Tupuna O Rehua, Nga Toi O Te Rangi, Lisa Tui, Nga Manu a Tane, Mahina Kaui, Te Ahikaaroa, Te Kotahitanga, and the Koro Band. Workshops (start at 11.30) include star weaving, miniature kite making, tiki making, lantern making,and poi making. Some workshops have limited spaces.
The mobile library van will also be on site.
Rehua Marae
79 Springfield Road

Matariki Market Day - Thursday 5 July
A student led market with stalls, performances and lots of fun. All welcome.
2pm to 4pm
Haeata Community Campus
240 Breezes Road
Matariki Night Makete / Markets - Friday and Saturday 6 - 7 July
The Matariki Night Markets will include:
- Kapa Haka performances and NZ music from singer songwriters
- Traditional kai and New Zealand favourites such as fish and chips and pavlova
- Art, crafts, jewellery all with a New Zealand feel/twist
The Arts Centre
2 Worcester Boulevard
Christchurch Central
Matariki Dawn Planting - Sunday 15 July
Join rongoā practitioners as they celebrate Matariki the Māori New Year with a dawn karakia and tree planting as a symbol of new beginnings. The dawn planting will be followed by a hui with kai (bring a plate of food to share) and discussion of the plans for the next 12 months for this new park.
There will also second planting event at 10am. This planting event is suitable for families.
Rongoā Garden - Styx
565R Marshland Road
More on Matariki
- Read our post about Te Iwa o Matariki - The Nine Stars of Matariki
- Explore our page on Matariki.
- Read our page on Matariki for kids.
- Find more information on Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Māori for tamariki.
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