It's my son's last day of school for the year, but for many kids the summer holidays have already started. So that's 6 weeks or so of keeping our kiddos entertained on a daily basis. But how best to manage this? Well, your local library is a great place to start.
Your local library
Libraries are not open on public holidays (and the Mondayised holidays), but are otherwise open over the holiday period. Some hours may be different so check our holiday hours for details.
Our libraries are kid-friendly spaces with:
- Stuff you can borrow to take home: Stories to go packs, DVDs, music, holiday reading, audiobooks, and sometimes posters.
- Play areas with toys, games, and sometimes dress-ups.
- Fun activities for kids including craft and storytimes
- Some libraries are also playing host to Pop up penguins - a great opportunity to go on a penguin hunt (and get some books).

But especially Tūranga
Tūranga, our library on Cathedral Square is heaven for kids. Whether it's the lego and duplo at Imagination Station, the slide, the Playstations, or just finding a comfy spot to sit and be read to, Tūranga has a lot to offer families (including the Foundation espresso bar on the kids' floor).

Make travel fun with library resources
If you plan to be travelling over the holiday period with kids, we have heaps of stuff to help make travel a bit more fun for younger members of the family, including Stories to go bags, and activity books.
Summertime reading challenge
Get kids reading with the promises of prizes! Read 3 books, give each a 3 word review, and go in the draw to win some cool prizes. Open for ages 0 to 18 years, we also have a pop up library at Riverside Market and some fun events happening over the summer to support kids' reading.
- Find out more about the Summertime reading challenge
Whatever you end up doing, stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.
Ngā mihi o te wā!
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