

Resources and classification

How to explore our collection for information on artists and art styles.

Art resources in our collection


Art resources

Art eResources

Art eResources

AHR net

Art History Research Net provides full text access to a range of late 19th and early 20th century art, architecture and design publications.

Find New Zealand Artists

A comprehensive index of New Zealand artist names that directs researchers to further information sources.

Australian Art Sales Digest

Art market information for Australian and New Zealand including past, current and forthcoming auctions, market statistics and news.

Carter's Price Guide to Antiques

Prices of antiquities, antiques, collectables, retro, vintage and 20th century design.

Māori art

Māori arts and music

Explore traditional and contemporary Māori arts and music.

Waka toi – Contemporary Māori art

This page highlights established and up and coming contemporary Māori artists working in different media.

Toi Māori – Traditional Māori art

Resources about traditional Māori arts such as whakairo (carving) and raranga (weaving).

Mahi Toi / Art websites

Links to online resources and websites about Mahi toi - art.


Art blog posts

Craft Snippets: Angus Milne

Mar 26th | 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Craft Snippets is a way to learn about artisan crafts from enthusiasts and experts. In March our guest is local scrimshander, Angus Milne.

Art for Adults at Aranui Library, part of a series

A drop-in social and creative group - draw and paint at your own pace. Meet new people, have conversations and make art. Materials supplied!

Lily Duval is drawing bugs!

Apr 13th | 11:30am - 1:00pm
Get drawing and painting at this City Nature Challenge themed art workshop with author-illustrator, Lily Duval. Materials will be supplied.

Sketch @Tūranga, part of a series

Join our monthly creative sketch session. Use pencil and paper, or explore some new arty tech with our iPad Pros and Apple Pencils.

Art pages and resources

Art resources

Shared artists' studio


How to find information on artists.

Public art in Christchurch

Learn more about public art in Christchurch including SCAPE Public Art.

Street Art

Street art is a notable feature of the urban landscape in Christchurch, Find out more about local street art and events.

Crafts and Collecting

Explore resources to improve your craft skills. If you enjoy collecting, we have guidebooks, catalogues and online resources to help.

Christchurch statues

Explore the history of some of Christchurch's notable statues.

Poster collection: Rock music

Local band posters digitised from the libraries' ephemera collection.

Gordon Gee botanical illustrations

A collection of 296 of Gordon Gee’s watercolour and line illustrations from the Christchurch Botanic Gardens Archives.
Photography lessons.


Explore the library collection of digital images, as well as resources on photography.

Blog posts

Art blog posts

Craft Snippets: Landscape painting with Ira Mitchell

Sally reports back from a Craft Snippets session with local artist Ira Mitchell.

Acrobatics on sheep sculptures, FESTA: Picturing Canterbury

Impromptu acrobatics on sheep sculptures during the FEStival of Transitional Architecture, 2014. An image from Canterbury Stories.

Sight Lines: Women and art in Aotearoa: WORD Chch 2024

A panel discussion on the book Sight Lines, chaired by Dr Barb Garrie, with Hanahiva Rose, Chloe Cull, and Kirsty Baker.

21 Disraeli Street: Picturing Canterbury

Artwork on the exterior of Dight House (21 Disraeli Street), Addington, 2019. An image from Canterbury Stories.



Best of 2021: Children's Nonfiction about Art and Activities

A selection of recommended titles for kids added to Christchurch City Libraries in 2021 about art, artists, creative activities and cooking.

Illustrated Biographies - Artists and Art

Graphic novels focusing on seminal artists and art movements - striking illustrations, unique glimpses into the lives of important artists.

Non-fiction - Art Appreciation

Find out what motivates and inspires artists. Discover the creative process behind the works and learn how to take time to appreciate them.
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