Te ao Māori

Te ao Māori

Explore the world of Māori language, culture, history and more.

E tipu e rea mō ngā rā o tō ao
Ko to ringaringa ki ngā rākau a te Pākehā
Hei oranga mō tō tinana
Ko tō ngākau ki ngā tāonga a ō tipuna Māori
Hei tikitiki mō tō māhuna
Ko tō wairua ki tō atua
Nānā nei ngā mea katoa
(Tā Apirana Ngata)

Tēnā koutou katoa. E ngā mana, e ngā waka, e ngā hau e whā e te iwi whānui tēnā koutou. He mihi whānui atu tēnei na Ngā Kete Wananga o Ōtautahi tēnā koutou. Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei wāhi, he ara ki ngā rauemi me ngā ratonga Māori. Tēnā tātou katoa.

Just to have you adore me: A dance film for Wharenui Harikoa, part of a series

A special dance film that explores themes embodied in Wharenui Harikoa - intergenerational healing, tūpuna connection, joy and aroha (love).

Kawhe & Kōrero, part of a series

Want to practise your reo? Drop in for a cuppa and build your conversational kōrero skills with fellow learners.

Me Kōrero Tātou, part of a series

Join us at for a friendly kōrero, share your learning and learn from others - everyone is welcome, at any stage of your reo Māori journey.

Te Kāhui Ōhua: Monthly reading group at Tūranga, part of a series

Each month you’ll choose any book from the Ngā Pounamu Māori collection - Fiction, Non-Fiction, English or Te Reo - & share with the group


Terry finds learning digital skills is vital for his study. With the help of the library staff, his confidence has grown.

The Paniora whānau talk about how much the reo Māori resources at the library mean to them in raising their boys as Māori speakers.

Te reo Māori - Māori language

Recommended Māori language information and resources.

Bilingual Story Cards

Ignite imagination and improve literacy with our bilingual story cards for tamariki - at libraries for $19 for a pack of 60 cards.

Learning te reo Māori

Explore library resources to help with learning and improving your reo Māori.

Beginners kete to learning basic Māori

Download and print our foldable wallet card resource that was created to help beginners learn some basic te reo Māori words and greetings.

Te reo Māori challenge in 2025: Story starter card kupu

Moata's family challenge for 2025 is learning a word a week in te reo Māori using the library's bilingual story starter cards.

In the catalogue

Te Ao Māori for tamariki

Māori resources for tamariki. Get crafty, read and learn te reo Māori, and explore.

Rerehua / Taoka Pūoro - Arts and Music

Māori arts and music

Explore traditional and contemporary Māori arts and music.

Books and reading

Staff picks, book reviews, award-winners  - Fiction and non-fiction by Māori authors or about Te Ao Māori.

Read Poorhara by Michelle Rahurahu on Libby now!

A tragicomedy set in the confines of a 1994 Daihatsu Mira, Poorhara is a journey of epic proportions. No wait list for our featured eBook.

Pakiwaitara - eBooks

Sit back, relax and enjoy one of these eBooks. This list focuses on works by Māori authors including Patricia Grace and Whiti Hereaka.

The Treaty of Waitangi Collection - Bridget Williams Books

This Collection is a digital resource from Bridget Williams Books (BWB).

Te Matatini - Kapa Haka

Enhance and enrich your viewing experience of Te Matatini, the biennial kapa haka competition, with these resources.

Hīkoi!: Māori empowerment, protest, and activism in Aotearoa

A mix of titles looking at the history of Māori protest and activism in Aotearoa New Zealand.

J.P. Pomare's 17 Years Later

Fee reviews the latest mystery by J.P. Pomare. It has her hooked from the first line.

This Land: Post-apocalyptic superheroes and atua Māori

Emma reviews some graphic novels set in a near future, post-apocalyptic Aotearoa New Zealand that has been transformed by cataclysmic events

Nanny Jo and the wild mokopuna: Making the final journey

Whaea Justice reviews a special picture book that looks at how we can let our loved ones go when their time has come.

Paku Manu Ariki Whakatakapōkai: Learning about the world

Whaea Justice reviews a picture book with a unique view on the world, that of a 7 year-old name Paku Manu Ariki Whakatakapōkai.

In the catalogue

Award winners

Pikihuia Award winners

Winners in the biennial Pikihuia awards for Māori writers in English or te reo Māori have been announced.

Te Kura Pounamu Award for Te Reo Māori

Winning and shortlisted titles for New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults award for books in te reo Māori.

2025 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards

The shortlists have been announced for New Zealand's most prestigious literary awards.

Tāhuhu Kōrero - History

Our Tāhuhu Kōrero - History section has information on Māori local history, Treaty of Waitangi, Māori place names, and historical events like Parihaka.

Tī Kōuka Whenua

Explore the vibrant past of Christchurch and the wider Canterbury region that extends back many hundreds of years before 1850.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi - The BWB Treaty of Waitangi Collection

This digital collection gives users access to a range of landmark resources on the history of the Treaty and its ongoing relevance today.


There was a peaceful resistance to a militia invasion of Taranaki settlement Parihaka 5 November 1881. Discover the Christchurch connection.

Hīkoi!: Māori empowerment, protest, and activism in Aotearoa

A mix of titles looking at the history of Māori protest and activism in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Whakapapa - Genealogy

Resources and advice on researching Māori family history at library. You can also book a librarian for one-on-one research help.

Whakapapa website resources

Whakapapa - Genealogy websites

Links to online resources and websites about Whakapapa.

Whakapapa guide

A guide to using library resources in researching whakapapa, (Māori family history).

Iwi - Tribal websites

Links to online resources and websites about Iwi (tribes).

Te ao tūturu - The natural world

Explore Māori use of natural resources for food, fibre or health.

Featured resources, Te ao tūturu - the natural world


This page explores the history and tikanga of harakeke (New Zealand flax), and how it is harvested and woven.

Tī Kōuka – The Cabbage Tree

The cabbage tree was a significant food source for early Māori and provided a fibre resource prized for its strength.

Te rongoā Māori

Rongoā is the word for remedies that are created from natural plants and trees. Find resources about te Rongoā Māori.

Traditional Māori kai

The Māori word for food is kai. Find out about traditional Māori food sources and food preservation practices.

At the library

Find out more about the services and resources available at Christchurch City Libraries.

Te ao Māori at the library

Bilingual signage at Christchurch City Libraries

A list of all te reo Māori signage terms in use throughout our libraries.

Māori library names

All of our libraries have te reo Māori names. The history and stories behind these names, and audio to help with pronunciation.

Waruwarutū / Ngā Pounamu Māori collection

About the community space which holds the Ngā Pounamu Māori collection, a collection with special emphasis on Te Ao Māori at Tūranga.

Sustainable Library Cards

Learn about the Māori designs inspired by Matariki and philosophy behind our biodegradable library cards.

Bicultural plans

Matariki - Māori New Year

Learn about the stars of Matariki, the traditions surrounding this time of year, and how you can celebrate.

Matariki resources and information

Matariki: Māori New Year

Join us this month for exciting free Matariki and Puaka activities and events you and your whānau to enjoy.

Matariki for Tamariki

Find out all about the traditions of Māori New Year on our Matariki for Kids page.

Matariki websites

A hand-picked list of websites with information and resources about Matariki, Puaka, and Māori astronomy.

Issue books in te reo Māori

All our libraries have self checkout machines with a te reo Māori option.

New Māori titles

See the latest Māori resources added to the library's collection.

New Māori titles

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