Historical fiction reading guide

Historical fiction reading guide

Leave modern life behind and disappear into another era.

Explore the politics of high society, palaces and castles and courtly intrigue, or wars waged over love and honour - with reputations made and ruined. Find settings that transport you to scenes of historical events. Sail with pirates, fight with the Roman army, or gossip in the drawing room with ladies in waiting, and witness how kings and queens are made.

Like stories set in the past that span generations? Try out Saga fiction reading guide.

Historical fiction reading lists

Historical fiction - eBooks and eAudiobooks

A collection of historical novels available through Libby and OverDrive.

Historical fiction sub-genre lists

Historical Romance

Perfect for readers who enjoy deep emotional connections, sweeping landscapes, and a touch of history with their love stories.

Historical Mystery

From Renaissance Florence to the jazz age in New Orleans - stories of murder and investigation in richly detailed historical settings.

Historical Graphic Novels

A selection of historical graphic novels – both fiction and non-fiction – that can send you to a different time from the comfort of home!

Christian Fiction - Biblical

If you are after a read set during biblical times or inspired by biblical events this is a great place to start.

Historical Fiction - Royalty

If you enjoy stories of passionate love affairs, political scandals, royal fashions, and deceitful court betrayals this is the list for you.

Historical Fantasy

Historical Fantasy fiction delivers historical realities, complex plots, and some level of magical or other-worldly content.

Historical Military Adventure

If you like Bernard Cornwell’s ‘Sharpe’ series, or the naval heroics of Master and Commander, then these titles are for you.

Gritty Historical Fiction

There's no drawing-room gossip or lacy-fainting in these titles! Instead you'll find pioneers, survivalists, violence and grime.

Historical Sagas

Epic, enthralling tales that often span generations. Most of these stories are based on historical events, places or people.

New Zealand Historical Fiction

These titles all offer a glimpse into New Zealand's past and how it might have been to live, love and survive in those times.

Historical Fiction - Westerns

Action-packed revenge tales, desperate survivalists, cruel and violent outlaws, gothic landscapes... these are the ways of the Western.

Historical Fiction - Women's voices

Stories with women's perspectives. Through their characters they ask the reader to consider women's experiences within historical settings.

Historical Fiction - Christian

Historical Christian has strong themes of faith, courage, kindness and family values. No profanity, clean romance, and inspirational tales.

Historical Adventure Fiction

Travel back in time and go on an adventurous journey without leaving your chair! Explore your way through battles, revenge, and conquest.

Return to reading lists

Kickstart your reading with librarian-created lists of the most readable and enjoyable fiction.

Return to Reading: Historical fiction

Explore forgotten worlds and experience pivotal moments in time, all while losing yourself in the drama of days gone by.

Return to Reading: New Adult Historical

Step into the past with this captivating collection of historical fiction, tailored for rediscovering the joy of reading.

Romance reading guide

Like your Romance fiction modern or historical, rural or fantastical, restrained or raunchy? Our guide can help you find 'The One'.

Historical Romance

Perfect for readers who enjoy deep emotional connections, sweeping landscapes, and a touch of history with their love stories.

New For You - Historical Fiction - February 2025

Dive into the past with this selection of the latest Historical Fiction titles.

Reference and User Services Association: Notable books

Awarded annually as part of the RUSA Book and Media Awards (American Library Association), in fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.

Find historical fiction titles in the catalogue

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