Ngā Kōrero Auaha – Creative Stories

Ngā Kōrero Auaha – Creative Stories

We talk to creators who have made things happen at the library.

Ngā Kōrero Auaha Creatuve Stories


Watch stories from our customers of how they use the library to be creative.
Videos made by Storylight

The Paniora whānau use te reo Māori resources at the Library

The Paniora Whānau (Ngāti Porou, Kāi Tahu, Ngāti Maniapoto) love to come to New Brighton Library. Raising their two boys speaking reo Māori as a first language means that seeing their culture and language valued in a space is important to them. They also love that the libraries are a welcoming space with all the noise that comes with young children.

Anthea uses 3D printer waste in her sustainability education business

Sustainability champion Anthea Ibell has been working with Tūranga Library since it opened in 2018, by gathering and reusing 3D printer waste and running sustainability workshops in library spaces. Appointed as the first Creative in Residence at Tūranga, Anthea was able to work in the Auahatanga Creative Space and have sustainability conversations with both staff and customers which was a mutually beneficial partnership.

Philipp manufactures aircraft parts for an Aerospace Design Challenge

Rapid prototyping facilities available at Tūranga allowed Aerospace Engineer Philipp Sueltrop (from Christchurch’s Kea Aerospace) to manufacture aircraft parts for an Aerospace Design Challenge.

The ability to quickly adapt a design allowed him to trial new iterations, test and refine ideas in a short timeframe. Fast forward a couple of years and these unique, unmanned aircraft, which began as an idea, are performing high level earth observation from the stratosphere!

Visit the Kea Aerospace website

Jai makes music and connections at Tūranga

Jai was studying at Tūranga when his friend told him about the Taupuni Oro/Ataata Audio/Video Studio. He has spent many hours using the studio to create his debut album which fuses his Indian heritage with the hip hop genre.

Jai has made connections with other like-minded people using the space, and been guided and inspired by the Media Specialists and other staff.

Frank uses the laser cutter to make patterns, vinyl prints t-shirts, and creates rehab equipment

Frank’s background in the textile and design industry inspired him to use the sewing and embroidery machines at Tūranga and South Libraries. He has used the laser cutter to cut patterns for glasses cases and vinyl printed t-shirts among other projects.

Three years ago, Frank had a haemorrhagic stroke which resulted in the loss of movement on his left side. As his rehabilitation progressed, Frank has used his skills to create rehab equipment at the library with the help and support of staff.

Frank's vision for the makerspace is to create a community of people who can collaborate and enhance their skills and knowledge.

Till Peters created his board game Castleshire by prototyping his ideas in the makerspace on Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4 at Tūranga

Over 6 years and many iterations, Till has come to the makerspace at Tūranga to create and test his concepts for his now-published game. With support from staff, he gained the skills to use design software on the computer, operate the laser cutter, and use the vacuum former among other tools. He also held a game testing event at the library and invited people to trial his game before the final version was published.
You can play Castleshire at Tūranga for free.

Find out more about Castleshire

Terry studies at the library

Terry Uriarau has been using Linwood Library at Eastgate to study for many years. As an adult student, learning digital skills has been vital to complete his assignments. With the help of the library staff, Terry has become much more confident and has rekindled his passion for learning.

Studying at libraries

Mako Design entrepreneurs Ann and Tara used the laser cutters at Christchurch City Libraries to prototype ideas while starting up their small business

Ann and Tara were looking for a place to create prototypes of their contemporary Māori jewellery designs and came across the laser cutter at Christchurch City Libraries. They used the Creative Time sessions to learn how to use the design software and trialled their ideas using a variety of offcuts and materials.

Once they were happy, they were able to take their designs to a larger manufacturer. Mako Design used the resources and staff knowledge at Christchurch City Libraries to help minimise their start-up costs. Laser cutters are currently available to use at South Library.

Mako Design

Indrani Bedi has scanned over 1500 slides and negatives using the Photo Scanner on Tūranga, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4

Indrani came to the Creative Time sessions at Tūranga with thousands of photos and slides dating back more than 50 years and learned how to use the technology to digitize her precious memories. With help from library staff, Indrani gained the confidence to use the technology on her own and has become a familiar and friendly face at the central library.

Find out how to use Photo scanners at the library.

Rapper King Cass uses the Taupuni Oro/Ataata Audio/Video Studio at Tūranga to record and produce his motivational hip-hop music.

After struggling with addiction, Hunter Wilson aka King Cass decided to use his music to help others who are on a similar path. The Taupuni Oro/Ataata Audio/Video Studio at Tūranga is where Hunter spends his time – recording, mixing and producing his music, as well as using it as a space to mentor others. He also printed some of his own t-shirts using the equipment in Taupuni Waihanga / Production Studio on Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4

More about King Cass

The Ferriers use laser and vinyl cutting at Tūranga

When Denisse and Daniela needed support with launching their business Furniture | Le Ferrier design, they came to Tūranga. They prototyped some designs, trialled laser and vinyl cutting their branding onto wood and other materials, and also made some team tshirts.

The Burdetts use Taupuni Oro/Ataata Audio/Video Studio at Tūranga to record Lorelei's story

Lorelei and Rosanne Burdett talk about their experience using the Taupuni Oro/Ataata Audio/Video Studio, located on Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4 at Tūranga, to record an audio version of Lorelei's book Mummy Why Did You Lie in the Middle of the Road? about her mental health journey.

Media releases and library news

Find articles and media about Christchurch City Libraries Ngā Kete Wānanga o Ōtautahi.

Audio - So Many Stories

Listen to customers on our Plains FM radio show So Many Stories.

Episode 33 - August 2024: Readers, writers, and stories of heritage

This episode was broadcast on Friday 2 August 9am, and Sunday 4 August 3.30pm.

Member of the Ōtautahi | Christchurch Somali community Ahmed Tani looks forward to Somali Heritage Month. There will be a popup exhibition at Tūranga for Somali Heritage Month from Saturday 17 August to Friday 13 September.

Episode 32 - July 2024: Outreach team

This episode is all about our Outreach team who deliver services and programmes out in the community to enable access to the library for all the residents of Ōtautahi. It was broadcast on Friday 5 July 9am, and Sunday 7 July 3.30pm.

Listen to:
Betty, one of our library assistants talks with Nicole, the diversional therapist from Ultimate Care Rose Court about the impact library book deliveries have on their residents

5MB, 3 minutes 35 seconds

Librarian Community Gemma brings the library out to the people with the Outreach van, at various stops around the city. She has a kōrero with Joscelyne a long-time user of this service.

5MB, 4 minutes 5 seconds

Ebony is our Librarian Community who delivers programmes to adults throughout the city. One place she visits is Maurice Carter Courts where she enables social housing residents to access all kinds of library resources. She talks with Kathryn, Amanda and Marie

4MB, 3 minutes 17 seconds

Library Assistant Toni has been taking the Library Outreach van to Odyssey House for 6 years now. Toni talks with Men’s Residential Team Leader Rachel and resident Chris talking about how the library supports recovery

8MB, 5 minutes 11 seconds

Wendy is our Librarian Community who visits primary schools promoting the love of reading to our Ōtautahi tamariki. She speaks with Te Kōmanawa Rowley School deputy principal Niki Penny about the impact of this service at their kura.

5MB, 2 minutes

For our tiny tamariki, Librarian Community Lynette delivers sessions to new parents and their pēpi, tailored to engage them with building their children’s literacy and encouraging them to interact with their babies and other whānau. Lynette is speaking with Rukmini (Rook-Minnie) from Playcentre who facilitates the Babies Can Play programme.

8MB, 5 minutes 1 second

Tech Week and more: May 2024 (episode 30)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 3 May 9am, and Sunday 5 May 3.30pm.

  • Libraries Learning Specialist Amy Chiles chats Music Trails with Christchurch Symphony Orchestra Principal Bassoonist and Head of In the Community Programme Development Selena Prior
  • In a first for So Many Stories, Aquatic Supervisor Marcus Kowalczyk introduces the new Matatiki Hornby Centre
  • South New Brighton School students George and Alex reflect on their 2023 Top of the Pods win ahead of this year’s competition launch
  • Libraries Learning Specialist for Special Projects Danny McNeil talks Techweek 24 with Education Consultant and Facilitator Wilj Dekkers and PB Tech Service Technician and Event Coordinator Riley Paterson

Techweek 2024

Libraries Learning Specialist for Special Projects Danny McNeil welcomes some special guests to talk Techweek at Christchurch City Libraries (think eSports, robots, prizes, and more!). Techweek runs from Monday 20 to Sunday 26 May.

17.2MB, 18 minutes 1 second

Danny talks with Education Consultant and Facilitator Wilj Dekkers and PB Tech Service Technician and Event Coordinator Riley Paterson.

6.75MB, 7 minutes 2 seconds

Danny talks with Hornby High School teacher Ben Carter, and Christchurch Boys’ High School Teacher Andrew Thawley.

10.44 MB, 10 minutes 59 seconds

Commonwealth Games 1974

So Many Stories: 1974 Christchurch Commonwealth Games: Pt 1

Hear from the folks who made the 1974 Commonwealth Games happen, from security guards to drivers, to committee members and media.

So Many Stories: 1974 Christchurch Commonwealth Games: Pt 2

A special episode includes memories from athletes, organisers and staff who were central to the 1974 Commonwealth Games in Christchurch.

OCS and the Sanctuary Exhibition: January 2024 (episode 24)

Since 2015 Ōtautahi Creative Spaces (or OCS) has worked to build a creative community of people with experience of mental distress. Now, a group of rangatahi artists from OCS have staged what the organising team calls a “takeover” of Tūranga. At the heart of the Sanctuary project is the main exhibition in Te Pito Huarewa / Southbase Gallery, but the works of the over 30 artists represented spill out to every floor in Tūranga and may even turn up in your book! To find out more, Learning Specialist Amy Chiles and Community Librarian Jamie Stevenson spoke to organiser Audrey and artists Cahaya, Rebecca, and Samantha.

5MB, 5 minutes 26 seconds

Andrew on Tūhura Tuarangi - Aotearoa in Space exhibition, and Robyn on Storytimes: February 2023 (episode 13)

  • We hear from Andrew who is part of the Otago Museum team bringing the interactive Tūhura Tuarangi - Aotearoa in Space exhibition to Tūranga.
  • Robyn tells why her whānau are big fans of their local Storytimes sessions at Hornby Library.

Robyn reads

NaNoWriMo November 2023 (episode 22)

Library assistant Jamie Stevenson chats with writer and NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaison Judy L Mohr and author Gillian St. Kevern about the joys of writing together, the NaNoWriMo challenge, and how to get involved.

4MB, 5 minutes 8 seconds

Andrea Herbert (Awesome Antarctica Polar Women) October 2023 (episode 21)

Social Scientist and Women in Polar Science Senior Project Coordinator Andrea Herbert promotes the Awesome Antarctica Polar Women exhibition

2MB, 3 minutes 8 seconds

Everyday Heroes storytime on Seven Sharp: October 2023 (episode 21)

We share a Seven Sharp segment on the Christchurch City Libraries Everyday Heroes Storytimes programme

3MB, 3 minutes 53 seconds

September 2023 (episode 20)

Community Librarian Wendy Blair sits down with Ako Aotearoa Sector Services Manager Jennifer Leahy to discuss The Festival of Adult Learning | Ahurei Ākonga

Interview with Wendy and Jennifer, 3MB, 3 minutes 18 seconds

Library Assistant Jamie Stevenson and Trees for Canterbury Manager Steve Bush mark the return of The Great Library Seed and Plant Swap

Interview with Jamie and Steve, 4MB, 4 minutes 54 seconds

Step Ahead Trust Project Connect Manager Bryan Gilchrist talks about his members’ experiences at Christchurch City Libraries ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week

Interview with Bryan, 4MB, 3 minutes 35 seconds

August 2023 (episode 19)

WORD Christchurch Programme Lead Kiran Dass chats about the WORD Christchurch Festival 2023, which runs from Wednesday 23 August to Sunday 27 August.

Interview with Kiran Dass, 6MB, 7 minutes 8 seconds

Community Librarian Alicia Harbison-Price sits down with Sarah Lund of Ōtautahi Zinefest, which takes place at the Christchurch Art Gallery | Te Puna o Waiwhetū on Sunday 27 August. More about zines and Ōtautahi Zinefest.

Interview with Alicia and Sarah, 5MB, 5 minutes 20 seconds

July 2023 (episode 18)

  • Community librarian Megan Cornish and customer Georgia talks about Sensory craft for pēpi at Shirley Library.
  • Maatakiwi talks to weaver Mrs Rāinui Ngārimu (Ngāi Tahu/Ngāti Mutungā) about Te Puna o Waiwhetū Christchurch Art Gallery's upcoming exhibition of Te Rā: The Māori Sail.
  • Lady Rose Gould-Lardelli and Sir Derek Lardelli talk about the Te Rā i Whiti Exhibition on at Tūranga until Sunday 9 July.

Full interview with Rānui Ngarimu [9 minutes 20 seconds]

Interview with Chloe Cull [9 minutes 1 second]

May 2023 (episode 16)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 5 May 9am, and aired again on Sunday 7 May 3.30pm. Listen to So Many Stories on PlainsFM.

Read the transcript of this month's show [81KB PDF]

  • Julie Fraser (Director) from Sign Equity tells us about the sign language courses she runs at libraries.
  • Library Assistant Wendy Blair speaks with Brooke Agnew (Trust Manager) and Alice Moore (Community Worker) from Kāwai Rangatahi about their work in the community and with Linwood Library.
  • Jai Bartlett – Artist name Bhai Jartlett, shares how he discovered the media studio and AV specialists who helped him learn how to mix, record sounds and turn his initial ideas into an album expressing identity and fusing cultures through music.
  • Daniel Mataki Jnr, Youth Worker at Youth Cultural Development and DJ Danny-ill, shares his experience of accessing library resources and collaboration on running hip hop events and workshops in libraries, including the upcoming DJ Showcase and Workshop during Youth Week.

April 2023 (episode 15)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 7 April 9am, and aired again on Sunday 9 April 3.30pm. Listen to So Many Stories on PlainsFM.

Here's what you will hear in Episode 15:

  • We feature a an excerpt from our full interview with Janneth Gil about the Raising Sakinah Exhibition, the stories of grief, resilience and hope the art work embodies, and the invitation for everyone to come and experience this opportunity for unity.
  • Redwood Associate Team Leader Andrea Lord chats with Public Health Nurse Kirsten Lambie about the Everyday Heroes Storytimes pilot, a programme that is now to roll out across the network.

March 2023 (episode 14)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 3 March 9am, and aired again on Sunday 5 March 3.30pm. Listen to So Many Stories on PlainsFM.

Here's what you will hear in Episode 14. This month’s episode is all about the diverse people of Ōtautahi | Christchurch and the Christchurch City Libraries network.

International Women's Day: Wednesday 8 March

We talk to Digital Curation Librarian Sarah Snelling ahead of International Women’s Day.
Trustee Sarah Mankelow chats about the Humans of Christchurch | Ōtautahi exhibition, and ‘human’ Sophie Estob Gradwell shares her story.

Ukrainian Association of New Zealand – South: Saturday 11 March

Michael Lidski shares a little about the local Ukrainian community and invites us to join this fundraising event at Tūranga on Saturday 11 March.

Nowruz: Sunday 12 March to Sunday 26 March

Hero Modares of the Kia Ora Academy introduces us to Nowruz or Persian New Year.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week: Monday 13 March to Sunday 19 March

Dr Annick Janson spoke to us from her home in Raglan about her personal and professional experience of the challenges and beautiful opportunities that neurodiversity can bring for whānau. Yaniv Janson’s discovery of art, his exhibition and development of his fully booked Colour me happy workshop based on the PERMA theory of wellbeing. Finally Annick invites you to join her for the Positive Parenting workshop bring together her personal experience and professional knowledge on parenting with neurodiverse whānau.

Visit our page on Neurodiversity Celebration Week.

February 2023 (episode 13)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 3 February 9am, and aired again on Sunday 5 February 3.30pm.

  • We hear from Andrew who is part of the Otago Museum team bringing the interactive Tūhura Tuarangi - Aotearoa in Space exhibition to Tūranga.
  • A highlight of summer has been our partnership with Orana Park bringing our library van into the zoo and presenting special Storytime sessions at various animal exhibits including the gorillas and Spider Monkeys! We hear from park representative Khloe Peck about working at a zoo and some of the important conversation work they are involved in.
  • Robyn tells why her whānau are big fans of their local Storytimes sessions at Hornby Library.

Khloe at Orana Park

January 2023 (episode 12)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 6 January 9am, and aired again on Sunday 8 January 3.30pm.

Children and Young Adults Service Specialist Ky McWilliam speaks to Jessica Urlichs, a poet and author from Aotearoa. They talk about Jess's picture book The Rainbow in My Heart, her writing process and how the book can be used to help children learn about their emotions.

December 2022 (episode 11)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 2 December 9am, and aired again on Sunday 4 December at 3.30pm.

  • We needed to hear from tamariki about what they are reading so we hear from library regular Zahra Toumi on her latest reads and Library Assistant Jon Truesdale chats with budding broadcasters Jimmy Cribb, Theo Garing, and Macklin Keatley.
  • Co-chair of the local English teachers collective Waitaha English Laura Borrowdale  attended at a recent zine making workshop held in Tūranga Central Library and for secondary school English teachers in Waitaha, Canterbury.

November 2022 (episode 10)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 4 November 9am, and aired again on Sunday 6 November at 3.30pm

Library Assistant Toni Campion-Cusack talks to Marionette and Monique from Kilmarnock Enterprises about the Library van service and how the library supports their team.

Tokona te kaika, Homelink customer Joan Rendall shares her love of reading and how the Outreach library van and our new Tokona te kaika services allows her to continue to read despite limited mobility.

Teacher Nicki and two tamariki, Marley (4) and Nate (3) from Sydenham Community Preschool talk about their experience of our Pre-School Outreach Delivery Specialist Susan Dodd.

Jono from Housing First along with Dave and Michelle talk about the safe community gathering place The Commons has become each Wednesday where kai, music and art is shared.

Lis Rate-Smith from Drug Arm Art East tells us about the Recovery Garden exhibition coming to Tūranga on the 18th of November. The therapeutic potential of art and how libraries have provided opportunities to discover new mediums and technology that inspire further creativity.

Listen to Lis:

October 2022 (episode 9)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 7 October 9am, and aired again on Sunday 9 October at 3.30pm.

Darral Campbell (CEO Dementia Canterbury) reflects on an almost decade-long partnership between Christchurch City Libraries and Dementia Canterbury.

September 2022 (episode 8)

Cathy from the Richmond Community Garden and our very own library courier driver Steve share their community garden experiences and ways you can participate.

August 2022 (episode 7)

This episode was broadcast on Friday 5 August 9am, and again on Sunday 7 August at 3.30pm.

Nic Low

"What are you really excited about in this year's Festival?"

Moata interviews Nic Low, Programme Director for WORD Christchurch, looking ahead to WORD from 31 August - 4 September.

Ray Shipley

"There's nothing quite like a live performance."

Poppia talks with Ray Shipley, poet, comedian, and former Youth Librarian looking forward to their Late Night Poetry Hour at WORD and National Poetry Day (Friday 26th August). They'll let you in on some picks from recent NZ poetry and fiction. Check out our Poetry page for more.

Chloe Gong

You'll also hear an excerpt from an interview with Chloe Gong talking about her latest YA novel Foul Lady Fortune with Alice and Alicia from Tūranga. Listen to the full interview.

July 2022 (episode 6)

  • Maatakiwi talks to local weaver Paula Rigby-Hira about a new woven installation by Ōtautahi Weavers at Linwood Library.
  • Ben Russell head of Music at Te Aratai (formerly Linwood College) tells us how the Library connects with his students and whānau through the annual musical showcase.
  • How the Recycle a Device initiative for Rangatahi came about and how you can support it..

May 2022 (episode 4)

  • Ben speaks with Patricia who set up Give a Little page for a Transgender news publication at the library and makes make use of library computers to create content.
  • Dan speaks with Venkant about helping him and his grandchildren translate their idea for a clock showing multiple time zones into and 3D printable design and print using multiple colours. This solves the issue of not calling family overseas in the middle of the night.
  • Barbara Clarke talks about who Friends of the Library are and what to expect at the Book Sale.


The story of a little book with a big heart

Passion, perseverance and patience helped Samantha Fairhall write, produce and self-publish a very special book – The Little Book of Smiles.

Meet the Makers - Kea Aerospace and Remix Plastic

Bonnie talks about two innovators who have used creative resources at the library to get their businesses off the ground.

Libraries keeping pace with changing face of sport

There was great enthusiasm from a group of young Esports players who got to unbox & try out new keyboard & mice at Upper Riccarton Library.

Find out more

What have you made at the library?

We'd love to hear your stories about making stuff at the library, and see your photos - so we can share with the wider community.

Auahatanga - Creative Spaces

There is amazing technology at Christchurch City Libraries. Find out about each piece of gear, where you can find it, & how you can use it.

So Many Stories: the library Plains FM radio show

From December 2022 to January 2025, the library show on Plains FM shared what libraries are all about.

Cosplay and creative costuming

Photos of people getting creative with library resources to make costumes and cosplay.


Listen to events and stories from our community.

Living books

Hear more about the Chat with a Living Book event that took place at Tūranga 4.30pm to 6pm, Thursday 20 October 2022. Christchurch City Libraries invited you to check out a 15-minute lounge chat with a unique and outstanding person from our community; a Living Book. Their interests cover music, art, film, social advocacy, the environment, entrepreneurship and so much more.

Our "Living Books" were:

  • King Cass
  • Kathleen Gallagher
  • Mrs Reihana 'Doe' Parata QSM
  • Denis O'Connor
  • Frankie MacKay
  • Wade Blackler

Find out about Living Books

Esports (Part One)

Bridie Anderson from Upper Riccarton Library talks to Henry Lawton from Victory Up – an online tournament site for gamers - about online gaming, especially in libraries and the League of Legends tournament. The transition of gaming from hobby to sport is discussed along with the impact and success of this move.

Transcript - Esports part one

Visit our page on League of Legends.

Esports (Part Two)

Bridie Anderson from Upper Riccarton Library speaks to Evie Howell, esports and events commentator, some of our rangatahi who competed in the 2021 League of Legends tournament, and their coach Christal Leung. We get to hear from some of the people involved in the League of Legends tournaments, what it’s like being in one and some of the things that happen behind the scenes of this very new sport. Interviewees include Bryan Gosal, Vladimir Buon and Gery Avila.

Transcript - Esports part two

My Library

My Library - Jeffrey Huffadine

Jeffrey is a keen customer of Tūranga. He has visited over a hundred times. He answered questions about what it means to him.

My Library - Robyn Chandler, Manager Literacy Christchurch

Robyn Chandler, Manager of Literacy Christchurch, talks about libraries.

My library – Rachael King

Writer and Programme Director of WORD Christchurch Rachael King talks to librarian Donna Robertson.

My Library - Philip Trusttum

The painter Philip Trusttum talks to librarian Joyce Fraser about libraries.

My Library - James Daniels

James Daniels, radio host of The Breeze, shares his thoughts about libraries.
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