QUIZ: The Twelve (slightly tenuous) Days of Christmas

Work your way through the 12 questions of this quiz loosely based on the famous Christmas song.
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me... A partridge in a pear tree. The chukar partridge was first introduced to New Zealand in what year?
Two turtle doves. The Nurses’ Memorial Chapel is notable for many reasons, but the sinking of which ship does it commemorate?
Three French hens. Which of these is not an Akaroa street name?
Four calling birds. According to our Christchurch| Ōtautahi Chronology, the first telephone exchange in the country opened in Christchurch | Ōtautahi on 24 September of which year?
Five gold rings. In 1862 New Zealand's first professional – but illegal – boxing match was held next to which river?
Six geese a-laying. Which board was in charge of Christchurch | Ōtautahi’s sewers?
Seven swans a-swimming. Formerly situated on the corner of Victoria Square, what did the Park Royal Hotel later become known as?
Eight maids a-milking. What drink was provided to New Zealand school children for free between 1937 and 1967?
Nine ladies dancing. A Gap Filler project that started in 2012 and which has moved around a bit, Dance-O-Mat, was first located on which central Christchurch | Ōtautahi street?
Ten lords a-leaping. A favourite on the Christchurch | Ōtautahi calendar, in what season does Bread and Circus, the World Buskers Festival take place?
Eleven pipers piping. Which New Zealand city is known as the ‘Edinburgh of the South’?
Twelve drummers drumming. Lyttelton hosts sailors from around the world, but which of these is one of the former names of the town?
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