He Kohinga Pūranga / Archives

Located on Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2 of Tūranga the Archives are a rich collection of primary sources on the city’s history.

The collection includes unpublished records of local and community organisations and clubs, churches, businesses and individuals. The material relates to Christchurch, the Canterbury region and the Chatham Islands from 1850 onwards and includes:

  • Ephemera – posters, handbills, programmes, catalogues.
  • Manuscripts – diaries, letters, scripts, church registers.
  • Small oral history collection.

Archives and Research collection

The Archives and Research collection may be used in the Wāhi Rangahau / Research Room.

How can I find out what is held in the Archives?

Christchurch City Libraries ArchivesSpace

Search ArchivesSpace to find listings of archives held by Christchurch City Libraries.

Additions to the Archives

The library welcomes offers of additions to the archives. If you have material documenting aspects of our past or present-day life and are interested in its preservation please contact the Archivists, on Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2, Tūranga.

Offers of additions to the archives will be assessed as to whether the material meets the collection criteria of the Christchurch City Libraries Archives. If the library is not the most appropriate repository for the material, then alternative institutes will be recommended.

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