Kia ora. Welcome to Christchurch City Libraries Ngā Kete Wānanga o Ōtautahi. We hope you enjoy your time here.
Your rights
You have a right to:
- Service that is friendly and helpful
- Be treated with respect
- A safe and welcoming environment
Your responsibilities
When visiting the library
- Respect the rights of others
- Treat library staff with courtesy
- Treat other library users with courtesy
- Treat library buildings and equipment with care
Our libraries are here for the enjoyment of everyone. We want to make sure all visitors have a pleasant experience. If you choose not to follow the code of conduct, we may ask you to leave.
Thanks for your help.
Code of Conduct: te reo Māori
Code of Conduct: information in community languages
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Fijian
- Hindi
- Japanese
- Kiribati
- Korean
- Niuean
- Persian
- Rotuman
- Russian
- Samoan
- Somali
- Tagalog
- Thai
- Tokelauan
- Tongan
- Tuvaluan
See also:
- Expectations of behaviour
- Terms of use for Christchurch City Council Online Services and Social Media Use.