Te Pito Huarewa / Southbase Gallery

Located on Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2, Tūranga, Te Pito Huarewa / Southbase Gallery houses exhibitions that reflect the cultural identity and history of Christchurch and Canterbury.

Women of the Wheel: Past and Present - 24 August to 24 November

Te Pito Huarewa / Southbase Gallery, Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2

Discover the history of women's cycling in Ōtautahi Christchurch from 1890 to now.

Explore the history of Christchurch as a cycling hub and explore the stories of local Christchurch women whose lives were transformed in the 1890s through their encounter with the bicycle. Discover how cycling motivated women to reform the way they dressed, expanded their worlds, connected them with one another and incited great debate among the people of Christchurch.

Trace the pivotal moments that helped shape the history of women's cycling in Christchurch and New Zealand from the advent of the safety bicycle to the country's inaugural Olympic cycling gold medal.

Delve into the experiences of contemporary women cyclists who are actively shaping the city's landscape today bridging the past and present in a celebration of resilience and empowerment.

(Please note that dates for this exhibition differ from those previously published)

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