Wāhi Rangahau / Research Room

Located on Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2, Tūranga the Research Room is a secure, controlled area for viewing New Zealand heritage material.

You will need to use the Research Room to view any material that is:

  • from the Archives
  • rare, fragile, or vulnerable
  • a reference only Interlibrary Loan
  • a reference only item usually kept in offsite storage (Store or Store 2)

To help us preserve this material for future generations;

We will ask you:

  • for current identification: a Library card is preferred
  • to make sure your hands are clean before using any Research Room material
  • to enter details in our Research Room or Archives Register
  • to use pencils only
  • to use acid-free slips (provided) when handling archival material
  • to rest large volumes and bounds newspapers on the book pillows/rests
  • to use the gloves provided for all material used in the Research Room
  • to keep archival material strictly in the order it is provided
  • to place bags, coats etc. in one of the lockers

We will ask you NOT to:

  • eat or drink
  • crease pages, rest open books on each other, or place notepaper on open pages
  • smooth your hand over pages, mark any item or lick your fingers!
  • If necessary please use the rubber “fingers” provided

Copying of material

Some items are not suitable for copying. If permission is given for an item to be copied this will be done by a staff member.

Use of Digital Cameras or Phone Cameras

Please ask a staff member if you wish to use your digital camera in the Research Room.  If permission is given images may be taken for private study purposes only. Proper acknowledgement / citation of material must be made.

In addition to the above conditions, we will ask you NOT to:

  • attempt to flatten or dismantle the item
  • use flash photograph, any other additional lighting, scanners, or tripods

Signing the Reading Room or Archives Register shows you agree to these conditions

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