This school holidays, our Māori Services team bring you activities for tamariki.
Today: Ngā Whāinga – Challenges - HAKA
Haka are a form of posture dance. These convey a message, whether it be a challenge, protest or even supporting a kaupapa / topic. They are also used as a form of acknowledgement of a person and/or their mahi/work.
Haka are usually performed by a group of people and can be performed anywhere. There are different types of haka, explore the haka experience by haka exponent Tapeta Wehi to learn more. The most well-known haka is “Ka Mate” a haka by Te Rauparaha from Ngāti Toa, which was made famous by the New Zealand All Blacks.

Hei mahi – things to do:
- List the different types of haka noted on the webpage the haka experience.
- Draw / Design a traditional weapon that could be use in a Haka
- Watch Kapa o Pango the haka written for the All Blacks, what is this haka about?
- List all the things “Kapa o Pango” does for the players
Māori Services
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