Tūranga offers a range of spaces and facilities across five floors, some of them unique to the Christchurch City Libraries network.
Some of the following areas in the library are bookable.
See our meeting rooms and bookable spaces page for details.
Find your way in Tūranga
- Auaha Hīhī / Spark Place, He Hononga | Connection, Ground floor
- Discovery Wall, He Hononga | Connection, Ground floor
- Drinking water
- Facilitation Space, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
- Foundation Café / Wāhi Kai, He Hononga | Connection, Ground floor
- He Kohinga Pūranga / Archives, Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
- Holds, He Hononga | Connection, Ground floor
- Imagination Station, Hapori | Community, Level 1
- Kōrero o nehe ā-whānau / Family History, Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
- Lockers
- Ngā Kohinga Kōrero ō Aotearoa / New Zealand Reference, Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
- Ngā Māra / Roof gardens, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
- Ngā Moutere o te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa / Pasifika
- Ngā Purapura / Activity Room, Hapori | Community, Level 1
- Ngā Reo o te Ao / World Languages, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
- Rūma Mātua / Parenting Room, Hapori | Community, Level 1
- Taiwhanga Rorohiko / Computer Labs, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
- Takurua / Boardroom, Tūhuratanga | Discovery, Level 3
- Taupaepae / Reception, He Hononga | Connection, Ground floor
- Taupuni Auaha / Creative Space, Hapori | Community, Level 1
- Taupuni Oro/Ataata / Audio/Video Studio, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
- Taupuni Waihanga / Production Studio, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
- Tautoru / TSB Space, Hapori | Community, Level 1
- Te Pito Huarewa / Southbase Gallery, Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
- Toilets and baby changing facilities
- Wāhi Hui / Meeting room, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
- Wāhi Hui / Meeting room, Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
- Wāhi Hui / Meeting room, Tūhuratanga | Discovery, Level 3
- Wāhi Kawhe / Espresso Bar, Hapori | Community, Level 1
- Wāhi Mauritau / Quiet Place, Tūhuratanga | Discovery, Level 3
- Wāhi Rangahau / Research Room, Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
- Wāhi Rangahau / Study room, Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4
- Wāhi Rangahau / Study room, Tūhuratanga | Discovery, Level 3
- Wāhi Rangatahi / Youth Space, Hapori | Community, Level 1
- Wāhi Whakaako / Teaching Room, Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2
- Wāhi Whakahoki Pukapuka / Returns, He Hononga | Connection, Ground floor
- Wāhi Whānau / Family Place, Hapori | Community, Level 1
- Waruwarutū / Ngā Pounamu Māori, Tuakiri | Identity, Level 2