Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4, Tūranga
Browse the World Languages, Music and Fiction collections, including Biographies and Graphic Novels. Visit the two roof gardens with great views across the city. Explore your creativity in the Production Studio using creative technology such as 3D printers and sewing machines. Create and edit music and video using the Audio/Video Studio, or take a class in the Computer Labs with a great range of software available.
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What's on Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4, Tūranga
Explore the Auahatanga | Creativity, Level 4 interactive floor map
- Events on Auahatanga | Creativity
- Taupuni Oro/Ataata - Audio/Video Studio
- Taiwhanga Rorohiko / Computer Labs
- Facilitation space
- Ngā Kōrero Paki / Fiction
- Biographies
- Mātātuhi Rahi / Large Print
- Talking books
- Wāhi Hui / Meeting room
- Pūoro / Music
- Taupuni Waihanga / Production Studio
- Ngā Rorohiko / Computers (7 PCs)
- Ngā Māra / Roof gardens
- Wāhi Rangahau / Study rooms
- Ngā Reo o te Ao / World Languages
- English language skills
- Toilets and baby changing facilities
- Lockers
- Drinking water
- Zine collection