Miss P. Stokes, traffic officer, checking the driver's licence of a man sitting in a car. 12 August 1967. Do you have any photographs of Christchurch in the 1960s? If so, feel free to contribute to our collection. The Discovery Wall is a large interactive exhibition which allows several people to simultaneously explore images and stories of the history of the…
Bored of games? Never!
By Alina
Trying a new board game can be intimidating, especially faced with a hefty rulebook (and sometimes hefty price) and hundreds of differently coloured pieces. Or maybe you love board games but struggle to find others to play them with you. If either applies to you, why not come along to Tūranga's new weekly board games…
Reading Guide to the Indiana Jones Novels: The Rob MacGregor Years
Steven Spielberg and George Lucas’s Raiders of the Lost Ark, starring Harrison Ford as Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones, Jr., was a blockbuster sensation when it hit theatres in 1981. It was followed in 1984 with Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade in 1989. The end of the…
Musician Books of Poetry / Lyrics
By Donna R
Florence Welch is in New Zealand this week with Florence and the Machine, playing at Laneway Festival as well as doing a standalone concert. She's recently published a book Useless magic: Lyrics and poetry that adds her to a select group of musicians - those who've had their poetry and/or lyrics published in book form…
By dazaccl
We all have ambitions of starting the year afresh. We meant to make time during our holidays to have a good go-through the house and garage, chuck out all the junk, and reorganise it all beautifully. Oh but there are so many more tempting things to do than tidy up on a summer's day and…
Cycling cinematically
By Moata
It's nearly that time again. Time to get on yer bike for the Aotearoa Bike Challenge. During February workplaces, organisations and teams of all sizes will be competing to see who can get the most cycling in, and rack up the mileage (or kilometrage?). There are also some great prizes up for grabs. For stalwart…
10 things to know about our website and social media
By Donna R
Chung Wah II, the Biggest Chinese Restaurant in New Zealand in 1984 – photographic exhibition 中华大酒楼历史图片展
By cclstaff
Upper Riccarton Library will host an exhibition of photos of Chung Wah Restaurant from Saturday 26 January to Friday 8 February. Celebrate the history of an iconic Christchurch restaurant through this special photographic exhibition, and share your fond memories in a sign in book. Chung Wah Restaurant was the biggest Chinese restaurant in New Zealand…
Pave the way with Mango Languages用芒果语言开道
By hongwangccl
目前,全世界现存的语言大约有七千多种。如果您跨国旅行就能感受到不同语言在结构上的差异。《圣经》中有关通天塔的故事Tower of Babel解释了不同语言产生的原因。学术研究也从不同的角度阐述了各语言体系的产生、演化及交流。有兴趣的朋友可读一下The Secret Life of Language: Discover the Origins of Global Communication。该书将这些研究结果用通俗易懂的语言呈现给读者。 The Secret Life of Language 尽管不是每一个人都对语言学感兴趣或能胜任流利使用多种语言,但在旅行前掌握一些出访国的基本用语是必要的。最近,有一朋友从法国旅游回来,谈到当她在巴黎用英语问路时受到冷遇,上高中刚开始学法语的的女儿用法语打招呼后将困难迎刃而解。她的遭遇使我想起了多年前在中国贫困地区参与国际合作的扶贫环保项目时教外方专家学认“男”和“女”两个字的经历。因为当时边远山区小镇的厕所都没有英文标示,这个问题成为每一位外来专家关心但又难于启齿的“小烦恼”,因此,教认这两个中文字成了不成文的接待事项……这些例子说明具备一点点跨语言交流的能力会对旅行生活带来便利。基督城图书馆拥有的芒果语言软件Mango Languages可帮助您在短期内迅速掌握一种语言的一些基本用语以避免旅行中的小烦恼。 芒果语言简介Mango Languages Basics 芒果语言Mango Languages是一在线语言学习软件,提供60种非英语语言课程和17种英文学习课程, 其中包括用英文为媒介学习普通话或粤语课程和用普通话或粤语为媒介学英文的课程。芒果语言有以下特点。 采用自然语言构建法intuitive language construction教授与获取语言交流能力相关的四要素:词汇vocabulary、发音pronunciation、语法grammar和文化culture。 每一课有明确的对话和语法学习目标可供学习者用于自测。 录制的对话发音标准,语句可分解成小的单元供学习者跟读和比较发音。 课程设计允许学习者根据自定的进度计划学习一门语言。同时,各章节和课程自成一体,学习者可根据需要选择学习部分课程。比如在旅行前只学习各种语言中打招呼的语句。 芒果语言使用指南Mango Languages Using Guide 芒果语言学习软件的获取、下载和使用步骤如下: 查找软件:在基督城图书馆网页上部点击eResources目录右侧的下拉箭头,在ESSENTIALS栏目下找到learning eResources词条并点击该词条,进入English Learning Skills 网页。您也可点击ESSENTIALS 栏目下的A-Z directory, 在目录中点击上端的英文字母中M,您便可看到芒果语言软件的信息和链接。 下载登录:在English Learning Skills 网页或M目录下,您可用两种方式使用Mango Languages a) 在图书馆网站上使用:点击use mango languages now词条链接,您可进入芒果语言登录网页,若第一次登录,点击create…
Christchurch South Intermediate cast of Alice in Wonderland: Picturing Canterbury
By simonccl
Christchurch South Intermediate pupils Danial Lindsay, Corin Dann (the journalist and broadcaster in an early role), Emma Kinsley and Emily Moore as characters in a musical of Alice in Wonderland. 2 December 1987. Do you have any photographs of performances? If so, feel free to contribute to our collection. The Discovery Wall is a large interactive exhibition which allows several…
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