Youth Week 2018

These events are recommended for ages 11 to 24 years. Comics Character Workshop Saturday 19 May, 1 to 3.30pm, Shirley Library Learn to create your own comic characters with comic illustrator/fantasy artist Ryan Green. This workshop covers the basics of figure drawing so you can bring your own characters to life. Playstation Tournament Monday 21, Wednesday…
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NZ Music Month 2018

Christchurch City Libraries celebrates NZ Music Month during May every year. Find out more about this month-long celebration, and our music resources. View gigs in our events calendar. NZ Music Month 2018 The New Brighton Playlist New Brighton Library, Monday 7 May, 3.30–4.30pm Learn about the iPad app Launchpad! Explore beats, samples, and effects to create your own…
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Win tickets to the NZSO’s An Evening With Simon O’Neill

The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra's 2018 season continues next month with internationally renowned tenor Simon O’Neill returning home to perform a special series of concerts a concert featuring works by Richard Wagner and Anton Bruckner. The Christchurch concert will take place on Wednesday 13 June at the Isaac Theatre Royal. An Evening with Simon O’Neill will…
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Queen’s Birthday 2018

Monday 4 June is a public holiday on which New Zealand celebrates the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. 21 April was her actual birthday and she turned 92 (she was born in 1926). Queen Elizabeth II has visited Christchurch numerous times during her reign, most notably for the 1974 Commonwealth Games held at her namesake sporting venue, Queen Elizabeth II Park, often…
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用图书馆资源开发您的音乐潜能: Becoming musical with library eResources

每年五月是新西兰的音乐节。人们在庆祝本土音乐的成就之余也会想到存在于不同的历史时期、不同社会、不同形式的音乐。音乐作为人类情感的表达,是任何文明社会不可缺少的。孔夫子曰:夫乐者,乐也,人情之所不能免也。 Confucius said, “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without”. 尽管不是每个人都有天赋成为一名音乐家,但都能通过发展音乐欣赏的能力,成为一名业余的音乐爱好者或专业的音乐人。尤其对华人移民和他们的子女来说,学会赏析西洋音乐和来自其它文化背景的音乐能丰富在远离故土的生活,甚至开启一个职业的领域。在这方面,基督城图书馆的电子音乐资源能助您一臂之力。 图书馆有两大类音乐资源可满足您的需求: 发展音乐爱好的资源: 您喜欢听美国歌曲和音乐吗?American Song数据库拥有源于美国社会各阶层、种族和各个时期的超过十一万个音乐曲目。涵盖像民谣folk,蓝调blues, 乡村country, 福音gospel 和摇滚rock 等众多的音乐类别。如果您不知道怎样欣赏这些类别的音乐,可用图书馆的百科全书Britannica Library Adults键入相关音乐类别的英文单词获得背景知识。   古典音乐的爱好者可从Classical Music Library数据库中找到您的最爱。该数据库拥有从格利高里的圣歌Gregorian Chants到近代的九万多个曲目。Naxos Music Library数据库云集了在线串流式古典音乐。流行音乐的粉丝们也不会失望。Popular Music Library数据库让您“畅游”在流行音乐的殿堂。如果您对世界各地的音乐都感兴趣,Contemporary World Music数据库是不错的选择。该数据库拥有超过二十万的曲目。您能在其中找到雷鬼reggae, 世界的节拍worldbeat, 柴迪科zydeco和雅乐gagaku等不太熟悉的音乐类别。当然,其中也有中国的二胡、古典民乐等音乐曲目。同样,Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries数据库的收藏也是包罗万象。其中不仅包含世界各地的音乐曲目,还拥有各种动物和自然界各种声音的录音。Music Online: Listening Plus包含上述多种数据库,集结了各种音乐专辑、曲目于一体。       另外,Naxos Jazz数据库提供9000多个爵士乐专辑和最完整的在线串流式爵士乐。    发掘音乐潜能的资源: 图书馆的音乐资源也能用于开发个人的音乐潜能,音乐专业学习和教学。Busy Things是一款适合于三到十三岁孩子的寓教于乐的软件。其获得了 英国教育培训和技术展大奖BETT (British Educational Training…
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Women of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAFs) on parade at Harewood Air Force Station, Christchurch: Picturing Canterbury

On 31 May 1941, forty-one women started in their positions as members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF) at Harewood Air Force Station. At the commencement of their duties, it was expected that they would soon be joined by further recruits, bringing the total number of WAAF members serving at Harewood to one hundred…
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Armageddon is coming…next week!

This year the masses will descend on Horncastle Arena for the annual Armageddon convention on the weekend of 2-4 June. The 4th of June being, conveniently, Queen's Birthday holiday. I myself have attended Armageddon religiously since 2012, after discovering that an actor from one of my then (still) favorite television shows would be in attendance…
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